== Welcome to the Getting Started with AngularJS == Challenge #1814 - Getting Started with AngularJS
Challenge Requirements
Create a simple self-service registration/login and user preferences application using using Angular, node and Mongo. Once logged in, create a preferences page that stores some dummy preference in MongoDB but make sure to include state, zip code and favorite type of sushi. Show the temperature/weather based on the user's zip code.
This sample application demonstrates how to:
- Build a simple MVC AngularJS, Node.js and MongoDB application.
- AngularJS Module resources, simple form validation.
- Use Twitter Bootsrap for styling and transitions.
- The backend code runs on Node.js.
Here is the Nodester URL of the application: https://challenge1814.aws.af.cm
The starting point of this sample application was made with a combination of:
The Building an AngularJS App (AngularJS NYC Meetup 2012-07-13) video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJey_oygU3Y
The AngularJS Developer's Guide: http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/
This sample application was built with the AngularJS MVC (front-end) and Node.js RailwayJS MVC (back-end) framework and MongoDB as the datasource repository.
POST /users.:format? users#create
Used to create the user account.
PUT /users/:id.:format? users#update
Used to update the user account information/preferences.
GET /users/:id.:format? users#show
Used to load the user account information.
POST /signin user_sessions#create
Used to sigin the user into the application.
GET /weather/:weather_id/weather weather#byzipcode
Used to get the Weather information. This uses the WeatherBug REST API.
The var WEATHER_BUG_KEY='...' in the app/controllers/weather_controller.js needs to be set
with your WeatherBug Key.
Register at: http://developer.weatherbug.com/member/register
See config/routes.js file for details on the routes configured.
See the RailwayJS routes documentation for more information on how to configure routes:
There are three controllers in this application.
users_controller: CRUD for user account.
user_sessions: Creates session for users.
weather_controller: Proxy Service for WeatherBug REST API.
- The model app/models/user.js takes care of mapping the user properties to MongoDB using the Mongoose library.
See the db/schema.js file.
The file public/javascripts/application.js defines the AngularJS 'AppCtrl' Controller. This controller manages the flow of data between the views and the backend Node.js application.
The only view in this application index.html.
- The (public/index.html) displays the home page (login/signup) and user home page.