These are my dotfiles I use as a daily driver. It contains config files for kitty and nvim mostly, but you can also find configs for ZSH, ranger or mvp. In script
, you can find little scripts I did too.
I'm currently working on documentation. As soon as these dots were originally made for me, I didn't take the time to comment them really well, neither document them. But you can already find my NVim's configuration documentation here, and my zsh config here.
I use GDB pwndbg plugins so make sure you have it too (and installed at the same place).
Rizin configuration that is maybe effective on cutter
My main terminal is kitty, I use the builtin tokyonight themes and add some customization on.
Terminal multiplexer
I use hyprland as DE and no such more configuration for the moment.
waybar is a simple wayland bar
wofi is a dmenu rofi like for wayland
configuration of MPV maybe stollen on reddit.
go see Here
go see here
File manager for mostly of my work not really configured too just switch from ueberzug to kitty because it's unmaintained. (not working on tmux)
Torrent downloader with the catpuccin themes
download thread from 4chan with or without image from shell
hide our MAC address on the network so It leave anon trace on network.
Compute the distance bettween us and a wi-fi signal from this equation
remap at kernel level CapsLock into ESC using user systemd
just archiving that I want gpg in TUI version
a way to keep up trace upon my 3D print experiment
- themes switcher
- waybar conf
- wallpaper management for DE integration
- eww (maybe)
The fast easy way to install that dotfile is to use DotAsh but have a look before applying them.