A full-stack website to track real-time COVID-19 cases and deaths and predict them for the next one month using time-series analysis and SARIMAX model.
The data for COVID-19 was obtained using disease.sh - Open Disease Data API
For example-
On hitting the endpoint- https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/all
"updated": 0,
"cases": 0,
"todayCases": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"recovered": 0,
"todayRecovered": 0,
"active": 0,
"critical": 0,
"casesPerOneMillion": 0,
"deathsPerOneMillion": 0,
"tests": 0,
"testsPerOneMillion": 0,
"population": 0,
"oneCasePerPeople": 0,
"oneDeathPerPeople": 0,
"oneTestPerPeople": 0,
"activePerOneMillion": 0,
"recoveredPerOneMillion": 0,
"criticalPerOneMillion": 0,
"affectedCountries": 0
The deaths
and cases
are obtained from here for the past 1 year.
has been used as a NoSQL database for storage and retrieval of the data fetched from the disease.sh API
Then AWS Lambda
has been used for making API endpoint for the retrieval of predicted cases
and deaths
for visualization in the UI.
time-series model is used for predicting the cases and deaths for the next one month given the past data. AWS Sagemaker
's Jupyter instance was used to train the model and store the predicted cases
and deaths
in the DynamoDB.
The whole application was packaged and deployed to the web using Amazon S3
To see the UI and landing page locally, run the following commands one by one
cd client
yarn start