Hello there! I'm Kaue Lima, a passionate product person from Brazil, and this is the source code repository for my personal website, kauelima.com. My website serves as a digital canvas where I showcase my projects and explore the intersections of technology and creativity.
kauelima.com is more than just a website; it's an example of my design and an exploration of my own development habilities. Built with Next.js.
The website is deployed on Vercel, chosen for its seamless integration with Next.js, enabling instant previews and automatic deployments with every git push. Vercel also ensures that kauelima.com is always online and running smoothly, thanks to its global CDN and edge functions.
If you like to contribute to this website in some way, please create an issue here on github or contact me on LinkedIn! Suggestions are always welcomed
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Kaue Lima - https://linkedin.com/in/kauelima.com
Project Link: https://github.com/kauelima/kauelima.com