full stack web portfolio built with react, javascript, html & css
[x] about me
[x] skills
[] projects
[] resume
[] contact
[x] full name
[x] profile picture
[x] personal statement about who i am
[x] title
[] fundamentals
[] libraries / frameworks
[] compilers
[] styling libraries
[] api calls
[] deployment
[] version control
[] testing
[] fundamentals
[] libraries / frameworks
[] deployment
[] testing
[] fundamentals
[] libraries / frameworks
[] deployment
[] testing
[] 3+ projects
[] title
[] link to deployed project
[] link to codebase / github repo
[] (minimum) 1 sentance to describe what project does
- [] didn't say "this project is...", "this project was..." etc
[] list tech stack used for each project
[] list as many bullets as needed to highlight my responsibilities on each project, how the technology was used, & unique accomplishments when working on the project
- [] bullet point format !! (not sentences)
- [] started each bullet w/ an action verb (ex. assisted with..., worked on..., helped with..., solely responsible for...)
- [] talked about personal contributions
[] list dates of development (month & year)
[] contact info
- [] name
- [] title
- [] phone number
- [] state
- [] professional email
- [] github
- [] portfolio
[] skills
- [] ie. reference skills in portfolio
[] projects
[] professional experience / employment
- [] most relevant past job experience
- [] name of employer, position (list remote experiences), location (city & state), dates employed (month & year)
- [] list 2-5 bullets to highlight my responsibilities on each project, how the technology was used, & unique accomplishments when working on the project -- [] quantified accomplishments whenever possible ( runtime saved etc ) -- [] past work in past tense, present work in present tense -- [] did not use: I, me, you, we, etc. -- [] started each bullet with an action verb -- [] listed job descriptions in bullet point format
[] education
- [] included Lambda School, my track name, and dates attended or graduated
[] list professional email
[] link to github
[] link to linkedin
[] link to professional social medias
[] contact form