This is a component for OTP Input fields.
npm i react-native-otp-input-fields
NOTE: This package uses react-native-reanimated
under the hood for animation. Please Follow the installation process of React Native Reanimated
Below are some examples to use this package
import OTPInput from "react-native-otp-input-fields";
const [OTP, SetOTP] = useState("");
// Maintain a state variable
// Use it like this
<OTPInput onChangeText={SetOTP} value={OTP} />;
import OTPInput from "react-native-otp-input-fields";
const [OTP, SetOTP] = useState("");
// Maintain a state variable
// Use it like this
<OTPInput onChangeText={SetOTP} value={OTP} secureTextEntry={true} />;
import OTPInput from "react-native-otp-input-fields";
const [OTP, SetOTP] = useState("");
// Maintain a state variable
// Use it like this
import OTPInput from "react-native-otp-input-fields";
const [OTP, SetOTP] = useState("");
// Maintain a state variable
// Use it like this
Parameter | required | Default | Description |
value | YES | Maintain a state in parent component and use it as a controlled input | |
onChangeText | YES | the onChangeText function to update the state in parent component | |
count | NO | 6 | Number of digits in the OTP |
autoFocus | NO | false | Whether to autofocus the first field |
removeOnBackspace | NO | true | Whether to clear the previous input while pressing the backspace button on a input field |
onSubmitEditing | NO | function to execute when user presses the done button on keyboard | |
containerWidth | NO | screenWidth | Width of the Input Field Container |
boxHeight | NO | 60 | Height of each input field |
margin | NO | 5 | margin between each input field |
Parameter | required | Default | Description |
secureTextEntry | NO | false | Mask the text input as password field or not |
allowDigitsOnly | NO | false | Allow only digits to be entered in the text input |
digitFontSize | NO | 25 | font size of the text inside input field |
animateDuration | NO | 300ms | Duration for the animation to complete when input field is focused |
cursorColor | NO | black | color of the blinking cursor |
digitColor | NO | black | color of the digit inside the field |
onlyBorderBottom | NO | true | whether to show border around whole box or just the border bottom |
keyboardType | NO | true | type of Keyboard from KeyboardTypeOptions in react-native |
borderBottomWidth | NO | 3 | width for the border bottom of box |
borderColor | NO | black |
color for the border of box |
boxElevation | NO | 6 |
elevation for the input field box |
maxLength | NO | 1 | Max length of each input field |
inputStyle | NO | styles for the TextInput component |
boxHeight | NO | 60 | height of each input field |
boxBorderRadius | NO | 0 | border Radius of input field |
boxContainerStyle | NO | styles for the input containers | |
containerStyle | NO | styles for the whole input box container (outer) | |
boxBackgroundColor | NO | white |
backround Color of the input fields |