⚡ Karthik Ravichandran, a dedicated professional hailing from India, currently pursues his graduate studies at the prestigious University of Massachusetts, MA, USA. As a Graduate student, he is currently focusing on the personalization of Language Model Libraries (LLM) using Information Retrieval. This research, initially undertaken in CS646 under the guidance of Professor Hamad Zamani, reflects Karthik's commitment to advancing the field.
⚡ With a rich background spanning five years in the dynamic field of Data Science, Karthik has significantly contributed to Image and Signal Processing, Bio-medical research, and Natural Language Processing.
⚡ Commencing his career with a noble cause in mind, Karthik's initial foray into the professional world led him to the Healthcare industry following his Bachelor's degree. Focused on solving Cardiovascular problems, particularly the prediction of Ischemic diseases, he applied state-of-the-art techniques, ultimately saving approximately 5000 lives per month through critical alerts derived from ECG analysis. Beyond algorithm development, Karthik actively engaged with cardiologists to enhance his understanding of ECG diagnosis.
⚡ Continuing his trajectory within the Healthcare sector as a Data Scientist, Karthik transitioned his expertise from core signal processing to Natural Language Processing (NLP). Undertaking the challenge of predicting ICD-10 codes from medical charts—comprising a vast array of classes exceeding 10,000—Karthik navigated through a skewed dataset. In the absence of open-source Language Model Libraries (LLM), he developed solutions using attention-based architectures like CAML, leveraging in-house GPU machines. Overcoming challenges posed by chart length, he extended transformer architectures and explored techniques such as Transformer XL. To validate model predictions, he implemented a combination of classification and term search algorithms, including sentence/word vectorizers.
⚡ Subsequently, Karthik seized an exciting opportunity with Walmart Global Tech, a Fortune 1 company and a tech giant. As a Data Scientist, he played a pivotal role in not only developing algorithms but also establishing connections with internal business partners and directors. His responsibilities included working on low-level algorithms, guiding and training interns and junior associates, and contributing to the positive impact of the company. Recognized for his exceptional contributions, Karthik received a Bravo award for filing Intellectual Properties (IPs) related to clustering algorithms used for recommendations. Furthermore, he created internal tools and Python packages widely adopted by Data Scientists across Walmart.
🔭 Karthik Ravichandran's journey is underscored by excellence, a passion for solving real-world problems, and a continuous pursuit of knowledge in the realms of Data Science and NLP. His work is substantiated by over 60 citations, 4 index publications, and 3 I-10 index citations, attesting to the impact and significance of his contributions in the academic and professional spheres.
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