- Coin Flip Experiment: Analyze the statistics of simultaneous coin flip experiments.
- Two-Dimensional Random Walk: Mean squared displacement and diffusion analysis.
- Matlab code.
- Detailed problem statement.
- To capture cell migration physics in Epethelial-Mesenchymal Transitions (EMT).
- Matlab code (driver scripts: P1_Polarization.m, P2_MSD.m).
- Detailed problem statement.
- Plots and analysis.
- Analyze the structure of plant tissues using voronoi diagrams.
- Matlab code.
- Detailed problem statement.
- Plots and analysis.
- Basic machine learning workflow in Matlab using the MNIST Handwritten Digits dataset.
- Regression using multi-layer perceptrons for protein decoy detection.
- Matlab code.
- Detailed problem statement.
- Plots and analysis.
- Deformable particle model of tumor cell invasion into white adipose tissue (WAT).
- Thermalized soft-disk numerical model of tumor cell diffusion within WAT.
- Matlab code.
- Detailed problem statement.
- Plots and analysis.