This repository houses the RecycleChain Workshop project, a monorepo that integrates multiple applications, libraries, and Solidity smart contracts. Follow this guide to set up the project locally and run the applications.
- Simple Counter Smart Contract (Solidity): A basic smart contract to demonstrate counter functionality.
- Recycle Chain Smart Contract (Solidity): The core smart contract for the RecycleChain application.
- React Native Application: A mobile app built with React Native.
- Next.js Frontend: A web application frontend developed with Next.js.
- NestJS Backend: A comprehensive backend featuring:
- GraphQL API
- REST API with Swagger documentation
- Smart Contract Event Listeners
- Libraries: Supporting libraries for various functionalities:
- Forms
- Network
- UI components
- 3D graphics
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Node.js (>= 14.x)
- Yarn (>= 1.22.x)
- Docker
- Git
Clone the repository to your local machine using Git.
git clone
cd recycle-chain-workshop
Install the project dependencies using Yarn.
yarn install
Create a .env file in the root directory and add the necessary environment variables. Refer to .env.example for the required variables.
Start the PostgreSQL database using Docker Compose.
docker-compose up -d
After the database is running, apply Prisma migrations to set up the database schema.
yarn prisma migrate dev
You can run the individual applications using the following commands:
Navigate to the apps/api directory and start the API server and event listeners.
cd apps/api
yarn dev
Navigate to the apps/web directory and start the WEB server.
cd apps/web
yarn dev
Navigate to the apps/web directory and start the WEB server.
cd standalone/mobile-apps
npm install
npm run android
npm run ios
npm run web
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.