SmartMat is a simple app for organising your refrigerator and shopping list, with the purpose of reducing food waste. SmartMat allows you and your family to easily plan your shopping trips, and also keep track of your refrigerator at home. To reduce food waste the app recommends recipes based on which foods in your fridge whose expiration date is near, thus reminding you to use all the ingredients you buy. Food waste is a large environmental problem and with SmartMat you can contribute to the solution.
- Team members
- Intended audience
- Database
- Frameworks used
- Application
- Security
- How to run and install the backend
- How to run and install the frontend
- How to use the application
- Testing
- Future work
- Anna Marie Bøe Tvedt
- Edvard Sørby
- Fredrik Bache Ruud
- Jens Christian Lund
- Karo Faraidoun Mahmoud
- Marte Solli Vågen
- Nils William Ormestad Lie
The intended audience for this application are primarily private households wanting to control their food waste. SmartMat also focuses on households with smaller children, as they can receive an account with limited functionality. Currently, the application is only available in English, but future versions aim to add support for multiple languages.
SmartMat is built on the following:
- Vue.js in frontend
- Vuetify for frontend design
- SpringBoot in backend
- JWT for safe user registration and authentication
- MySQL for data storage (Database hosted on available NTNU servers)
- Swagger for API documentation
- H2 for quick in-memory testing
- ChatGPT API for generating recipes
Smart is built upon the principle of Separation of concerns, which implies that it is divided into different sections. Each section handles a specific concern, leaving other concerns to the other sections. This ensures great code readability as well as easy modifications, since one section has minimal impact on other sections. Below are the different sections and how we have implemented them:
The database section
This is the model folder. Each class in this folder creates
a table in the database on startup,
complete with attributes and relations.
The persistence section
This is the repository folder.
This folder contains interfaces that implements
JPARepository which enables us to access the database and
perform queries.
The business section
This is the service folder.
All the logical operations are performed in this folder,
with different methods for saving, retrieving,
deleting and updating data from the database.
The presentation section
This is the controller folder.
This folder contains all the controllers used to communicate
with the database. These controllers again contains
endpoints that the frontend uses to manipulate the database.
The controllers also handles all validation of incoming data
and error handling, sending only sanitary data down to the
business section.
In our code, each model has a correlating repository, and each controller has a correlating service. Each service may use one or more repository. They are grouped since not every repository serves a purpose on its own. We have worked with the theory that every endpoint needs to serve a specific purpose. Any redundant enpoints, and its similarly redundant services will be deleted.
The application uses tokens provided by JWT to authenticate a user each time they maneuver the application. To use the application and access their data, they need to log in with their email and password. If correct, they recieve a token which is stored in the frontend's localStorage. This token needs to be provided with every API-call, in order to access the endpoint. The token is deleted from the frontend when logging out. Using BCryptPasswordEncoder, all passwords are salted and hashed in the database, no passwords are stored in clear text.
To run backend, you need some prerequisite programs. You need both Java and Maven downloaded and installed.
Once these are installed you are ready to begin. To ensure you have maven correctly installed run:
mvn --version
If this returns the version of Maven you just installed, run the following command to clone the project:
git clone
You might have to type in your personal password when cloning. When the project has been cloned down, the pom.xml dependencies must be downloaded using the command:
mvn dependency:resolve
After that, the package must be installed into the local repository, using the commmand:
mvn install
In the class, you can specify which database to use with the project (url, username and password). To get access to the centralized IDI MySQL database, please reach me at [email protected]
To run the application, maneuver to root directory containing the pom.xml file and run:
mvn spring-boot:run
Congratulations! Your Smartmat backend is now up and running!
As stated earlier, the project frontend uses the Vue.js Framework. Before downloading Vue, you need Node.js installed. Download the version that matches your operating system.
Once the installer is downloaded:
- When prompted to run - click run.
- When welcomed by the wizard - click next.
- Review the license agreement and click next if you agree to the terms.
- The installer will prompt you for the installation location. Leave the default location then click next.
- Finally, click the installation button to run the installer. When it finishes, click Finish.
Verify installation by writing into your terminal of choice:
node -v
Do the same for NPM:
npm -v
Now that npm is installed, Vue.js can be downloaded through the use of the command:
npm install vue
After installing Vue, the frontend project can be opened. Clone the project from our Github repo either by clicking the link or executing the following command in a folder of your choice:
git clone
After cloning the project, open it either in your preferred IDE or in a terminal. To download all dependencies, run the command:
npm install
To start the application, run:
npm run serve
If you have the backend up and running, head to http://localhost:8000/#/ and start using SmartMat!
SmartMat is an intuitive and easy-to-use application that behaves like a lot of similar applications:
- The first page the user will see is the login page. Here, the user can either log in with an already existing user, or register a brand-new user, by filling out the required fields. (Test users with test data will be provided below)
- After logging in, the user is directed to the "Users" page. Here they will see all their registered "members". Members can either be adults or children and depending on their role, some functionality might not be available. Each adult has their own pin-code, while children do not.
- After selecting a member, the user will be directed to their Fridge. Here, they can see all the food they have stored, edit the expiration date, remove food while tagging it as eaten or thrown, add new food-items and generate recipes. at the top of the page, the user will also see a toolbar with links to the applications other pages.
- The next page in the toolbar is the Shopping List. It does exactly what it sounds like: an Adult user can add items to it, remove them, edit them and buy them by pressing the fridge icon in the top right. A Child user can also add items to the list, but not do anything else.
- The next page is the Menus page. Here an Adult user can generate recipes for the entire week for 1 or up to 10 people.
- Next up is the settings page. Here an Adult user can see and edit the account information, add new members as well as change member info. A Child user can not edit or add any new members.
- The stats page is up next. Here, any type of user can see the amount of food their account has thrown in a selected year, the average amount of food thrown by all other accounts registered in the course of a selected year, as well as the amount of garbage thrown monthly, both by the users account and the average of all other registered accounts.
- There are two icons left in the toolbar: "Users", which will route the user back to the page with all the members and "Sign Out", which will sign the user out completely and route them back to the login page.
- There is also a colour theme switch, furthest to the right of the toolbar.
We have continuously developed tests while working on the application. To run tests for backend, use the command:
mvn test
To run the tests for frontend, use the terminal command:
npm run test:unit
If you want to run the tests with coverage, use the following command instead:
npm run test:coverage
The following users can be used as test users.
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password
- Pin code: 1234
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password
- Pin code: 1234
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password
- Pin code: 1234
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password
- Pin code: 1234
While the team is satisfied with how the application turned out after 3 weeks of hard work, there is some functionality we would implement if we had more time.
- When generating a weekly menu, the user should be asked if they would like to add all the ingredients to their shopping list.
- As the application is currently only available in English, we would like to have it dynamically changing language based on the user's own language in their browser.
- When items in the fridge are nearing their expiration date, it would be preferable if the user was alerted to which items it concerns.
- The stats could be extended with info about days and weeks.
- Add functionality so the user can see which stores nearby that have the items in their shopping list, preferably on sale.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 idatt2106-2023-01
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.