- Install XCode command line tools (https://developer.apple.com/downloads/, "Sign In" required)
- Run
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
- Run install.sh (see below)
- Run installers that need to be finished separately (uTorrent, Hearthstone, etc.)
- Run OS X customization file (aka Mathias .osx, see below)
- Update OS X and apps (through App Store)
- Map Caps to Ctrl in keyboard settings (since this is apparently quite difficult to do programmatically http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/13598/updating-modifier-key-mappings-through-defaults-command-tool)
- Add translit as an input source in System Prefs (+ map it to Alt+Cmd+Space)
- Set Quicksilver triggers
- Customize iTerm settings ("quit when all windows are closed", "preserve window positions", etc.; should this be automated?)
- Install messenger from https://fbmacmessenger.rsms.me/ (as of 2017-01-12 doesn't seem to work on High Sierra)
- Install Twitter on App Store
- Install Rocket from http://matthewpalmer.net/rocket/
This is the main script that installs 90%+ of things required to get a "working" OS X. It's meant to be run as part of a fresh install on a new laptop.
In a nutshell, it does this:
- Installs all the brews that I use (git, zsh, cairo, node, postgresql, etc.)
- Installs all the applications that I use, via cask (chrome, quicksilver, imageoptim, virtualbox, etc.)
- Installs oh-my-zsh and sets it up
- Generates SSH keys (and opens github settings page for convenience)
- Installs global node packages that I use often (bower, jshint, jscs, etc.)
- Customizes Sublime using other files from this repo
- Installs translit keyboard
Sets up sensible OS X defaults and other useful tweaks. Based on Mathias' excellent .osx
Specifies which Sublime packages to install
Specifies main Sublime settings
Defines custom functions and alises for oh-my-zsh