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  • java 8
  • maven 3.1+
  • nodejs for webui project
  • MySQL 5+
  • JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files

Steps for running

from command line using maven

  1. Do mvn install to build project
  2. Start service-config
  3. Start all other services
cd service-config  
mvn spring-boot:run

from command line

  1. Do mvn install to build project
  2. Start service-config
  3. Start all other services
cd service-config/src/main/resources  
java -jar ../../../target/service-config-{version}.jar

from IDE

  1. Import maven project to preferred IDE (IntelliJ IDEA)
  2. Start BootConfig class from service-config
  3. Start all other services (Boot*.java files)


  • Database will be created in boot process of service-config
  • service-auth use this same MySql database named test
  • all services need logback.xml and bootstrap.yml files from resources directory service-config require also application.yml these file are also part of jar file
  • for encripting config values JCE downolad and JCE instalation instruction


Servises have 2 build in uses

  • user wiht password password
  • admin with password password

Passwords are hashed using BCryptPasswordEncoder witout static salt so it can be generated very easily