Simple but powerful tool to crack passwords of zip file
The project is motivated by my desire to develop my skills in pentesting and general python skills. Feel free to copy but use it in ethical way only ;)
- colorama==0.4.1
execute from bash terminal: source
script from general folder will install and activate virtual env
To execute help: python3 -h
It will return:
usage: [-h] [--max MAX] [-t THREADS] [-l] [-u] [-d] [-p] file
ZIP File Dynamic Bruteforce Password Cracker in Python
positional arguments:
file name of file to bruteforce.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--max MAX Maximal len of password default = 14
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads, default = 1
-l, --lowercase Password generator will include lowercase
-u, --uppercase Password generator will include uppercase
-d, --digits Password generator will include digits
-p, --punctuation Password generator will include punctuation
to run zip file password cracker:
- on file
- determine password no longer than 4 characters
- operate on 5 threads
- check combinations of password including uppercase only
python3 --max 4 -u -t 5
Project is: finished, I am looking for new inspirations, please reach me for that purpose/ suggestions (email below)
Created by @kamil1marczak - [email protected] - feel free to contact me!