Join our discussions here
- Kmux is faster using combination of safemap and radix tree , also it does not have param routing conflicts, you can have
, if exact route match for the first , the request handled only by the first , otherwise if something like/test/something
- Kmux also can generate swagger docs from you code or from comments
- Ksbus and Korm are perfect combination, allowing you to sync your servers and clients python and javascript all togethers
KaGo is a Django like web framework, that encourages clean and rapid development.
You can start a new project using 2 lines of code, run a high performance server with CRUD Admin Dashboard, interactive shell, easy and performant ORM, AutoSSL and lots more...
List of packages extracted from kago in order to make it more composable :
Quick List of latest features :
- NEW : Handle Many To Many relationship
- NEW : orm.AutoMigrate generate query to file instead of executing it directly, you can execute it later using go run main.go shell -> migrate
- NEW : orm.AddTrigger and orm.DropTrigger, examples
- NEW : Admin Search and OrderBy
- NEW : Auto SSL Letsencrypt Certificates and keep them up to date (auto renew 1 month before expire)
- BareBone Mode Router Only
- ORM handle coakroachdb in addition to sqlite, postgres, mysql and mariadb (check Performance at the bottom of this readme)
- Watcher/Auto-Reloader
- orm.AutoMigrate will handle all your migrations from a struct model, if you remove a field from the migrated struct, you will be prompted to do the migration, it can handle foreign_keys,many to many, checks, indexes,...
- Fully editable CRUD Admin Dashboard (assets folder)
- Realtime Logs at
running with flaggo run main.go --logs
- Convenient Router that handle params with regex type checking, Websockets and SSE protocols also
- Interactive Shell
go run main.go shell
- Maybe the easiest ORM and SQL builder using go generics (working with sqlite, mysql,postgres and coakroach)
- OpenApi docs at
running with flaggo run main.go --docs
with dedicated package docs to help you manipulate docs.json file - AES encryption for authentication sessions using package encryptor
- Argon2 hashing using package hash
- EnvLoader the fastest package envloader to load directly env to struct
- Internal Eventbus using go routines and channels (very powerful), use cases are endless
- Monitoring Prometheus/grafana
running with flaggo run main.go --monitoring
- Profiler golang official debug pprof
running with flaggo run main.go --profiler
- Embed your application static and template files
- Ready to use Progressive Web App Support (pure js, without workbox)
Join our discussions here
go get -u[email protected]
go get
go get
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
sqlitedriver.Use() // use one of this drivers
app := kago.New() // router + admin + database + shell
package main
import (
func main() {
app := kago.BareBone() // router only, bot need for sql drivers
1- running 'go run main.go' the first time, will clone assets folder if run with kago.New and will not if run using kago.BareBone
go run main.go
go run main.go shell
-> createsuperuser
# run localy:
go run main.go # default: -h localhost -p 9313
go run main.go -h -p 443 --cert cerkey.pem --key privkey.pem
go run main.go -h -p 443
# this will generate 2 certificates from letsencrypt and to directory ./certs
go run main.go -h -p 443 -domains,,...
# most important tags and env vars that you can override:
HOST -h DEFAULT: "localhost"
PORT -p DEFAULT: "9313"
DOMAINS -domains DEFAULT: ""
CERT -cert DEFAULT: ""
KEY -key DEFAULT: ""
PROFILER -profiler DEFAULT: false
DOCS -docs DEFAULT: false
LOGS -logs DEFAULT: false
MONITORING -monitoring DEFAULT: false
go install
Then you can run:
katcher --root ${PWD} (will watch all files at root)
katcher --root ${PWD} --watch assets/templates,assets/static (will watch only '${PWD}/assets/templates' and '${PWD}/assets/static' folders)
an easy way to create your own theme, is to modify files inside assets , upload the assets folder into a repo and set these 2 values:
settings.REPO_USER="YOUR_REPO_USER" // default kamalshkeir
settings.REPO_NAME="YOUR_REPO_NAME" // default kago-assets
you can easily override any handler of any url by creating a new one with the same method and path.
for example, to override the handler at GET /admin/login:
app.GET("/admin/login",func(c *kamux.Context) {
// this will add another handler, and remove the old one completely
// so it is very safe to do it this way also
// all these handlers can be overriden
r.GET("/mon/ping",func(c *kamux.Context) {c.Status(200).Text("pong")})
r.GET("/admin", kamux.Admin(IndexView))
r.GET("/admin/logout", LogoutView)
r.POST("/admin/delete/row", kamux.Admin(DeleteRowPost))
r.POST("/admin/update/row", kamux.Admin(UpdateRowPost))
r.POST("/admin/create/row", kamux.Admin(CreateModelView))
r.POST("/admin/drop/table", kamux.Admin(DropTablePost))
r.GET("/admin/table/model:str", kamux.Admin(AllModelsGet))
r.POST("/admin/table/model:str", kamux.Admin(AllModelsPost))
r.GET("/admin/get/model:str/id:int", kamux.Admin(SingleModelGet))
r.GET("/admin/export/table:str", kamux.Admin(ExportView))
r.POST("/admin/import", kamux.Admin(ImportView))
// Example : how to override a handler
// add it before kago.New()
admin.LoginView=func(c *kamux.Context) {
// Example : how to override a handler middleware
kamux.Auth = func(handler kamux.Handler) kamux.Handler { // handlerFunc
// Example : how to override a Global middleware
kamux.GZIP = func(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { // Handler
package main
import (
func main() {
// Creates a KaGo router
app := kago.New()
// You can add GLOBAL middlewares easily (GZIP,CSRF,LIMITER,RECOVERY)
// this is an adapter for go std http handlerfunc, example of getting param param1 of type int (regex validated)
app.HandlerFunc("*","/test/param1:int/*",func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params,ok := kamux.ParamsHandleFunc(r)
if ok {
app.HandlerFunc("GET","/",func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // using net/http handlerFunc
w.Write([]byte("hello world"))
// handle any method kamux Handler
app.Handle("*","/any/:test",func(c *kamux.Context) {
"message":"message here",
app.Handle("GET","/any2/:test",func(c *kamux.Context) {
"message":"message here",
// handle GET /any/hello and /any/world
app.GET("/any/(hello|world)",func(c *kamux.Context) {
c.Text("hello world")
// middlewares for single handler (Auth,Admin,BasicAuth)
// Auth check if user is authenticated and pass to c.Html '.User' and '.Request' accessible in all templates
app.POST("/somePost", posting)
app.PUT("/somePut", putting)
app.PATCH("/somePatch", patching)
app.DELETE("/someDelete", deleting)
app.HEAD("/someDelete", head)
app.OPTIONS("/someDelete", options)
var IndexHandler = func(c *kamux.Context) {
if param1,ok := c.Params["param1"];ok {
c.Json(kamux.M{ // Status default to 200, so no need to add it
}) // send json
} else {
}) // send json with status code 400
func main() {
app := kago.New()
// no need to upgrade the request , all you need to worry about is
// inside this handler, you can enjoy realtime communication
app.WS("/ws/test",func(c *kamux.WsContext) {
rand := utils.GenerateRandomString(5)
c.AddClient(rand) // add connection to broadcast list
// listen for messages coming from 1 user
for {
// receive Json
mapStringAny,err := c.ReceiveJson()
// receive Text
str,err := c.ReceiveText()
if err != nil {
// on error you can remove client from broadcastList and break the loop
// send Json to current user
err = c.Json(kamux.M{
// send Text to current user
err = c.Text("any data string")
// broadcast to all connected users
"you can send":"struct insetead of maps here",
// broadcast to all connected users except current user, the one who send the last message
"you can send":"struct insetead of maps here",
func main() {
app := kago.New()
// will be hitted every 1-2 sec, you can check anything if change and send data on the fly using c.StreamResponse
app.SSE("/sse/logs",func(c *kamux.Context) {
lenStream := len(logger.StreamLogs)
if lenStream > 0 {
lastOne := lenStream-1
err := c.StreamResponse(logger.StreamLogs[lastOne])
if err == nil{
func main() {
app := kago.New()
// Query string parameters are parsed using the existing underlying request object
// request url : /?page=3
app.GET("/",func(c *kamux.Context) {
page := c.QueryParam("page")
if page != "" {
} else {
// This handler will match /anyString but will not match /
// accepted param Type: string,slug,int,float and validated on the go, before it hit the handler
app.POST("/param1:slug",func(c *kamux.Context) {
if param1,ok := c.Params["param1"];ok {
} else {
c.Status(404).Text("Not Found")
// OR
// param1 can be ascii, no symbole
app.PATCH("/test/:param1",func(c *kamux.Context) {
if param1,ok := c.Params["param1"];ok {
} else {
c.Status(404).Text("Not Found")
// param1 can be ascii, no symbole -> /test/anything will work
app.POST("/test/param1:str",func(c *kamux.Context)
// /test/anything will not work, should be int, validated with regex -> /100 will work
app.POST("/test/param1:int",func(c *kamux.Context)
// 2 digit float -> /test/3.45 will work
app.POST("/test/param1:float",func(c *kamux.Context)
// slug param should match abcd-efgh, no spacing
app.POST("/test/param1:slug",func(c *kamux.Context)
func main() {
app := kago.New()
// Query string parameters are parsed using the existing underlying request object
// request url : /?page=3
app.GET("/",func(c *kamux.Context) {
page := c.QueryParam("page")
if page != "" {
} else {
// This handler will match /anyString but will not match /
// accepted param Type: string,slug,int,float and validated on the go, before it hit the handler
app.POST("/param1:slug",func(c *kamux.Context) {
if param1,ok := c.Params["param1"];ok {
} else {
c.Status(404).Text("Not Found")
// and many more
c.AddHeader(key,value string) // append a header if key exist
c.SetHeader(key,value string) // replace a header if key exist
c.writeHeader(statusCode int) // set status code like c.writeHeader(statusCode int)
c.SetStatus(statusCode int) // set status code like c.writeHeader(statusCode int)
c.IsAuthenticated() bool // return true if valid user authenticated
c.User() models.User // get User from request if middlewares.Auth or middlewares.Admin used
c.Status(200).Json(body any)
c.Status(200).JsonIndent(body any)
c.Status(200).Html(template_name string, data map[string]any)
c.Status(301).Redirect(path string) // redirect to path
c.BodyJson() map[string]any // get request body as map
c.BodyText() string // get request body as string
c.StreamResponse(response string) error //SSE
c.ServeFile("application/json; charset=utf-8", "./test.json")
c.ServeEmbededFile(content_type string,embed_file []byte)
c.ParseMultipartForm(size ...int64) (formData url.Values, formFiles map[string][]*multipart.FileHeader) // return form data and form files
c.UploadFile(received_filename,folder_out string, acceptedFormats ...string) (string,[]byte,error) // UploadFile upload received_filename into folder_out and return url,fileByte,error
c.UploadFiles(received_filenames []string,folder_out string, acceptedFormats ...string) ([]string,[][]byte,error) // UploadFilse handle also if it's the same name but multiple files or multiple names multiple files
c.DeleteFile(path string) error
c.Download(data_bytes []byte, asFilename string)
c.EnableTranslations() // EnableTranslations get user ip, then location country using nmap, so don't use it if u don't have it install, and then it parse csv file to find the language spoken in this country, to finaly set cookie 'lang' to 'en' or 'fr'...
c.GetUserIP() string // get user ip
func main() {
app := kago.New()
app.POST("/ajax", func(c *kamux.Context) {
// get json body to map[string]any
requestData := c.BodyJson()
if email,ok := requestData["email"]; ok {
if err != nil {
"error":"User doesn not Exist",
func main() {
app := kago.New()
// kamux.MultipartSize = 10<<20 memory limit set to 10Mb
app.POST("/upload", func(c *kamux.Context) {
// UploadFileFromFormData upload received_filename into folder_out and return url,fileByte,error
//c.UploadFile(received_filename,folder_out string, acceptedFormats ...string) (string,[]byte,error)
pathToFile,dataBytes,err := c.UploadFile("filename_from_form","images","png","jpg")
// you can save pathToFile in db from here
c.Status(200).Text(file.Filename + " uploaded")
func main() {
app := kago.New()
kamux.COOKIE_EXPIRE= time.Now().Add(7 * 24 * time.Hour)
app.POST("/ajax", func(c *kamux.Context) {
// get json body to map[string]any
requestData := c.BodyJson()
if email,ok := requestData["email"]; ok {
// set cookie
c.SetCookie(key,value string)
c.GetCookie(key string)
c.DeleteCookie(key string)
// To add one, automatically loaded into your html
app.NewFuncMap(funcName string, function any)
var functions = template.FuncMap{
"contains": func(str string, substrings ...string) bool
"startWith": func(str string, substrings ...string) bool
"finishWith": func(str string, substrings ...string) bool
"generateUUID": func() template.HTML
"add": func(a int,b int) int
"safe": func(str string) template.HTML
"timeFormat":func (t any) string
"truncate": func(str any,size int) any
"csrf_token":func (r *http.Request) template.HTML // generate input with id csrf_token
"date": func(t any) string // dd Month yyyy
"slug": func(str string) string
"translateFromLang":func (translation,language string) any
"translateFromRequest":func (translation string, request *http.Request) any
you can build all your static and templates files into the binary by simply embeding folder using app.Embed
app.Embed(staticDir *embed.FS, templateDir *embed.FS)
app.ServeLocalDir(dirPath, webPath string)
app.ServeEmbededDir(pathLocalDir string, embeded embed.FS, webPath string)
app.AddLocalTemplates(pathToDir string) error
app.AddEmbededTemplates(template_embed embed.FS,rootDir string) error
// examples:
// initial static and templates
//settings.STATIC_DIR="static" --> to serve at /static (optional)
//settings.TEMPLATE_DIR="templates" --> templates inside this folder are used with c.Html
app.GET("/test/id:int",func(c *kamux.Context) {
id,ok := c.Params["id"]
if !ok {
// you can add static and templates folders
app.ServeLocalDir("/path/to/static","static") // serve local /path/to/static folder at /static/*
app.AddLocalTemplates("/path/to/templates1") // templates inside this folder are used with c.Html
// you can serve also add embeded templates and static folders
router.ServeEmbededDir("/path/to/static", Static, "static") // serve embeded assets/static folder at endpoint /static/*
func main() {
app := New()
// GZIP nothing to do , just add it
// LOGS /!\no need to add it using app.UseMiddlewares, instead you have a flag --logs that enable /logs
// when logs middleware used, you will have a colored log for requests and also all logs from logger library displayed in the terminal and at /logs enabled for admin only
// add the middleware like above and enjoy SSE logs in your browser not persisting if you ask
// if enabled , requester are blocked 5 minutes if make more then 50 request/s , you can change these values:
// will recover any error and log it, you can see it in console and also at /logs if LOGS middleware enabled
// this is how to use CORS, it's applied globaly , but defined by the handler, all methods except GET of course
app.AllowOrigines(origines ...string) // allow origines global, can be "*" to allow all
app.POST(pattern string, handler kamux.Handler, allowed_origines ...string)
app.POST("/users/post",func(c *kamux.Context) {
// allow origine for and and same origin
// CSRF middleware get csrf_token from header, middleware will put it in cookies
// this is a helper javascript function you can use to get cookie csrf and the set it globaly for all your request
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = cookies[i].trim();
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
let csrftoken = getCookie("csrf_token");
// or a you have also a template function called csrf_token
// you can use it in templates to render a hidden input of csrf_token
<form id="form1">
{{ csrf_token .request }}
// you can get it from the input from js and send it in headers
// middleware csrf will try to find this header name:
COOKIE NAME: 'csrf_token'
r.GET("/admin", kamux.Admin(IndexView)) // will check from session cookie if user.is_admin is true
r.GET("/admin/login",kamux.Auth(LoginView)) // will get session from cookies decrypt it and validate it
i waited go1.18 and generics to make this package orm to keep performance at it's best with convenient way to query your data, even from multiple databases
queries are cached using powerfull eventbus style that empty cache when changes in database may corrupt your data, so use it until you have a problem with it
orm.NewDatabaseFromDSN(dbType,dbName string,dbDSN ...string) (error)
orm.NewDatabaseFromConnection(dbType,dbName string,conn *sql.DB) (error)
orm.GetConnection(dbName ...string) // GetConnection return default connection for orm.DefaultDatabase (if dbName not given or "" or "default") else it return the specified one
orm.UseForAdmin(dbName string) // UseForAdmin use specific database in admin panel if manymatched db
orm.ManyToMany(table1, table2 string, dbName ...string) error // create m2m_table1_table2 table relations
orm.GetAllTables(dbName ...string) []string // if dbName not given, .env used instead to default the db to get all tables in the given db
orm.GetAllColumnsTypes(table string, dbName ...string) map[string]string // clear i think
orm.CreateUser(email,password string,isAdmin int, dbName ...string) error // password will be hashed using argon2
you can migrate from a struct using Auto Migrate
when kago app executed, all models registered using AutoMigrate will be synchronized with the database so if you add a field to you struct or add a column to your table, you will have a prompt proposing migration
execute AutoMigrate and don't think about it, it will handle all synchronisations between your project structs types like in the example Bookmark below
If you need to change a tag, remove the field, restart, put the new one with the new tag, restart again, that's it
Available Tags by struct field type and Examples :
#String Field:
Without parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β | With parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β |
Without parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β |
With parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β |
Bool : bool is INTEGER NOT NULL checked between 0 and 1 (in order to be consistent accross sql dialects)
Without parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β | With parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β |
Without parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β | With parameter |
Without parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β | With parameterΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β |
orm.AutoMigrate[T comparable](tableName string, dbName ...string) error
// this is the actual user model used initialy
type User struct {
Id int `json:"id,omitempty" orm:"pk"`
Uuid string `json:"uuid,omitempty" orm:"size:40;iunique"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty" orm:"size:50;iunique"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty" orm:"size:150"`
IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty" orm:"default:false"`
Image string `json:"image,omitempty" orm:"size:100;default:''"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty" orm:"now"`
type Bookmark struct {
Id uint `orm:"pk"`
UserId int `orm:""` // options cascade,(donothing,noaction),(setnull,null),(setdefault,default)
IsDone bool
ToCheck string `orm:"size:50; notnull; check: len(to_check) > 2 AND len(to_check) < 10; check: is_done=true"` // column type will be VARCHAR(50)
Content string `orm:"text"` // column type will be TEXT, and will have Rich Text Editor in admin panel
UpdatedAt time.Time `orm:"update"` // will update when model updated, handled by triggers for sqlite, coakroach and postgres, and builtin mysql
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"now"` // now is default to current timestamp and of type TEXT for sqlite
// TO DEBUG , or to see queries executed on migrations, set orm.DEBUG=true
// To migrate/connect/sync with database:
err := orm.AutoMigrate[Bookmark]("bookmarks")
// after this command if you remove a field from struct model, you will have a prompt wit suggestions to resolve the problem
// will produce:
user_id INTEGER,
is_used IN (0, 1)
length(to_check) > 10
content TEXT,
And in the admin panel, you can see that 'bookmarks' table created, with a rich text editor for the column 'content'
this is because all columns with field type TEXT will be rendered as a rich text editor automatically
func AddTrigger(onTable, col, bf_af_UpdateInsertDelete string,ofColumn, stmt string,forEachRow bool,whenEachRow string, dbName ...string)
func DropTrigger(onField,tableName string)
orm.AddTrigger("users","email","AFTER UPDATE","email","UPDATE users SET uuid='test' where",false,"")
// this trigger will update uuid to 'test' whenever email is updated
orm.Model[T comparable]() *Builder[T] // starter
orm.BuilderS[T comparable]() *Builder[T] // starter
(b *Builder[T]).Database(dbName string) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Insert(model *T) (int, error)
(b *Builder[T]).Set(query string, args ...any) (int, error)
(b *Builder[T]).Delete() (int, error) // finisher
(b *Builder[T]).Drop() (int, error) // finisher
(b *Builder[T]).Select(columns ...string) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Where(query string, args ...any) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Query(query string, args ...any) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Limit(limit int) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Context(ctx context.Context) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Page(pageNumber int) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).OrderBy(fields ...string) *Builder[T]
(b *Builder[T]).Debug() *Builder[T] // print the query statement
(b *Builder[T]).All() ([]T, error) // finisher
(b *Builder[T]).One() (T, error) // finisher
(b *Builder[T]) AddRelated(relatedTable string, whereRelatedTable string, whereRelatedArgs ...any) (int, error) //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *Builder[T]) DeleteRelated(relatedTable string, whereRelatedTable string, whereRelatedArgs ...any) (int, error) //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *Builder[T]) GetRelated(relatedTable string, dest any) error //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *Builder[T]) JoinRelated(relatedTable string, dest any) error //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
// then you can query your data as models.User data
// you have 2 finisher : All and One
// Select and Pagination
uuid,_ := orm.GenerateUUID()
hashedPass,_ := hash.GenerateHash("password")
Uuid: uuid,
Email: "[email protected]",
Password: hashedPass,
IsAdmin: false,
Image: "",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
//if using more than one db
orm.Database[models.User]("dbNameHere").Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").All()
// where
orm.Model[models.User]().Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").One()
// delete
orm.Model[models.User]().Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").Delete()
// drop table
// update
orm.Model[models.User]().Where("id = ?",1).Set("email = ?","[email protected]")
orm.Exec(dbName,query string, args ...any) error
orm.Query(dbName,query string, args...) ([]map[string]any,error)
orm.Table(tableName string) *BuilderM // starter
orm.BuilderMap(tableName string) *BuilderM // starter
(b *BuilderM).Database(dbName string) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Select(columns ...string) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Where(query string, args ...any) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Query(query string, args ...any) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Limit(limit int) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Page(pageNumber int) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).OrderBy(fields ...string) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Context(ctx context.Context) *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).Debug() *BuilderM
(b *BuilderM).All() ([]map[string]any, error)
(b *BuilderM).One() (map[string]any, error)
(b *BuilderM).Insert(fields_comma_separated string, fields_values []any) (int, error)
(b *BuilderM).Set(query string, args ...any) (int, error)
(b *BuilderM).Delete() (int, error)
(b *BuilderM).Drop() (int, error)
(b *BuilderM) AddRelated(relatedTable string, whereRelatedTable string, whereRelatedArgs ...any) (int, error) //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *BuilderM) GetRelated(relatedTable string, dest *[]map[string]any) error //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *BuilderM) JoinRelated(relatedTable string, dest *[]map[string]any) error //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
(b *BuilderM) DeleteRelated(relatedTable string, whereRelatedTable string, whereRelatedArgs ...any) (int, error) //MANY TO MANY use it after orm.ManyToMany(...)
// for using maps , no need to link any model of course
// then you can query your data as models.User data
// you have 2 finisher : All and One for queries
// Select and Pagination
uuid,_ := orm.GenerateUUID()
hashedPass,_ := hash.GenerateHash("password")
"[email protected]",
//if using more than one db
orm.Database("dbNameHere").Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").All()
// where
orm.Table("users").Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").One()
// delete
orm.Table("users").Where("id = ? AND email = ?",1,"[email protected]").Delete()
// drop table
// update
orm.Table("users").Where("id = ?",1).Set("email = ?","[email protected]")
go run main.go shell
go run main.go help
[databases, use, tables, columns, migrate, createsuperuser,
createuser, getall, get, drop, delete, clear/cls, q/quit/exit, help/commands]
list all connected databases
use a specific database
list all tables in database
list all columns of a table
migrate initial users to env database
create a admin user
create a regular user
get all rows given a table name
get single row wher field equal_to
delete rows where field equal_to
drop a table given table name
clear console
this minimalistic package is one of my favorite, you basicaly need to Load env variables from file and to fill a struct Config with these values
func (router *Router) LoadEnv(files ...string) {
m,err := envloader.LoadToMap(files...)
if err != nil {
for k,v := range m {
switch k {
case "SECRET":
if b,err := strconv.ParseBool(v);!logger.CheckError(err) {
if b,err := strconv.ParseBool(v);!logger.CheckError(err) {
case "DB_TYPE":
if v == "" {v="sqlite"}
case "DB_DSN":
if v == "" {v="db.sqlite"}
case "DB_NAME":
if v == "" {
logger.Error("DB_NAME from env file cannot be empty")
case "SMTP_EMAIL":
case "SMTP_PASS":
case "SMTP_HOST":
case "SMTP_PORT":
envloader.Load(".env") // load env files and add to env vars
// the command:
err := envloader.FillStruct(&Config) // fill struct with env vars
type GlobalConfig struct {
Host string `env:"HOST|localhost"` // DEFAULTED: if HOST not found default to localhost
Port string `env:"PORT|9313"`
Embed struct {
Static bool `env:"EMBED_STATIC|false"`
Templates bool `env:"EMBED_TEMPLATES|false"`
Db struct {
Name string `env:"DB_NAME|db"`
Type string `env:"DB_TYPE"` // REEQUIRED: this env var is required, you will have error if empty
DSN string `env:"DB_DSN|"` // NOT REQUIRED: if DB_DSN not found it's not required, it's ok to stay empty
Smtp struct {
Email string `env:"SMTP_EMAIL|"`
Pass string `env:"SMTP_PASS|"`
Host string `env:"SMTP_HOST|"`
Port string `env:"SMTP_PORT|"`
Profiler bool `env:"PROFILER|false"`
Docs bool `env:"DOCS|false"`
Logs bool `env:"LOGS|false"`
Monitoring bool `env:"MONITORING|false"`
// running the app using flag --docs
go run main.go --docs
// go to /docs
doc := docs.New()
Type: "object",
RequiredFields: []string{"email","password"},
Properties: map[string]docs.Property{
Required: true,
Type: "string",
Example: "[email protected]",
Required: true,
Type: "string",
Example: "************",
Format: "password",
Tags: []string{"Auth"},
Summary: "login post request",
OperationId: "login-post",
Description: "Login Post Request",
Requestbody: docs.RequestBody{
Description: "email and password for login",
Required: true,
Content: map[string]docs.ContentType{
Schema: docs.Schema{
Ref: "#/components/schemas/User",
Responses: map[string]docs.Response{
"404":{Description: "NOT FOUND"},
"403":{Description: "WRONG PASSWORD"},
"500":{Description: "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"},
"200":{Description: "OK"},
Consumes: []string{"application/json"},
Produces: []string{"application/json"},
// AES Encrypt use SECRET in .env
encryptor.Encrypt(data string) (string,error)
encryptor.Decrypt(data string) (string,error)
// Argon2 hashing
hash.GenerateHash(password string) (string, error)
hash.ComparePasswordToHash(password, hash string) (bool, error)
Eventbus Internal handle any data using generics, just make sure you are using same type for the same topic
eventbus.Subscribe("any_topic",func(data map[string]any) {
eventbus.Subscribe("any_topic222",func(data int) {
eventbus.Publish("any_topic", map[string]any{
"type": "update",
"table": b.tableName,
"database": b.database,
eventbus.Publish("any_topic222", 222)
go run main.go --logs
will enable:
- /logs
go run main.go --profiler
will enable:
- /debug/pprof
- /debug/pprof/profile
- /debug/pprof/heap
- /debug/pprof/trace
go run main.go --monitoring
- job_name: api-server
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['host.docker.internal:9313'] #replace host.docker.internal per localhost if you run it localy
docker run -d --name prometheus -v {path_to_prometheus.yml}:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus
docker run -d --name grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana-enterprise
docker exec -it grafana grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password newpass
Visit http://localhost:3000 username: admin
Add data source http://host.docker.internal:9090
- 10826
- 240
//go:embed assets/static
var Static embed.FS
//go:embed assets/templates
var Templates embed.FS
func main() {
app := New()
go build
////////////////////////////////////// postgres without cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 1472 723428 ns/op 5271 B/op 80 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 1502 716418 ns/op 4912 B/op 85 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 826 1474674 ns/op 2288 B/op 44 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 848 1392919 ns/op 2216 B/op 44 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 1176 940142 ns/op 592 B/op 20 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 417 2862546 ns/op 1456 B/op 46 allocs/op
////////////////////////////////////// postgres with cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 2825896 427.9 ns/op 208 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 6209617 188.9 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 2191544 528.1 ns/op 240 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 3799377 305.5 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 76298504 21.41 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 59004012 19.92 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
///////////////////////////////////// mysql without cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 1221 865469 ns/op 7152 B/op 162 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 1484 843395 ns/op 8272 B/op 215 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 427 3539007 ns/op 2368 B/op 48 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 267 4481279 ns/op 2512 B/op 54 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 771 1700035 ns/op 832 B/op 26 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 760 1537301 ns/op 1392 B/op 44 allocs/op
///////////////////////////////////// mysql with cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 2933072 414.5 ns/op 208 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 6704588 180.4 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 2136634 545.4 ns/op 240 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 4111814 292.6 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 58835394 21.52 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 59059225 19.99 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
///////////////////////////////////// sqlite without cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 13664 85506 ns/op 2056 B/op 62 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllS_GORM-4 10000 101665 ns/op 9547 B/op 155 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 13747 83989 ns/op 1912 B/op 61 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM_GORM-4 10000 107810 ns/op 8387 B/op 237 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 12702 91958 ns/op 2192 B/op 67 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 13256 89095 ns/op 2048 B/op 66 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 14264 83939 ns/op 672 B/op 32 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 15236 79498 ns/op 1760 B/op 99 allocs/op
///////////////////////////////////// sqlite with cache
BenchmarkGetAllS-4 2951642 399.5 ns/op 208 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4 6537204 177.2 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4 2248524 531.4 ns/op 240 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4 4084453 287.9 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4 52592826 20.39 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumnsTypes-4 64293176 20.87 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
type Class struct {
Id uint `orm:"pk"`
Name string `orm:"size:100"`
IsAvailable bool
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"now"`
type Student struct {
Id uint `orm:"pk"`
Name string `orm:"size:100"`
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"now"`
type Teacher struct {
Id uint `orm:"pk"`
Name string `orm:"size:100"`
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"now"`
// migrate
func migrate() {
err := orm.AutoMigrate[Class]("classes")
if klog.CheckError(err) {
err = orm.AutoMigrate[Student]("students")
if klog.CheckError(err) {
err = orm.AutoMigrate[Teacher]("teachers")
if klog.CheckError(err) {
// orm.ManyToMany create relation table named m2m_table1_table2
// create relations
err = orm.ManyToMany("classes", "students")
if logger.CheckError(err) {
err = orm.ManyToMany("classes", "teachers")
if logger.CheckError(err) {
// then you can use it like so to get related data
// get related to map to struct
std := []Student{}
err = orm.Model[Class]().Where("name = ?", "Math").Select("name").OrderBy("-name").Limit(1).GetRelated("students", &std)
// get related to map
std := []map[string]any{}
err = orm.Table("classes").Where("name = ?", "Math").Select("name").OrderBy("-name").Limit(1).GetRelated("students", &std)
// join related to map
std := []map[string]any{}
err = orm.Table("classes").Where("name = ?", "Math").JoinRelated("students", &std)
// join related to map
std := []Student{}
err = orm.Model[Class]().Where("name = ?", "Math").JoinRelated("students", &std)
// to add relation
_, err = orm.Model[Class]().AddRelated("students", "name = ?", "hisName")
_, err = orm.Model[Student]().AddRelated("classes", "name = ?", "French")
_, err = orm.Table("students").AddRelated("classes", "name = ?", "French")
// delete relation
_, err = orm.Model[Class]().Where("name = ?", "Math").DeleteRelated("students", "name = ?", "hisName")
_, err = orm.Table("classes").Where("name = ?", "Math").DeleteRelated("students", "name = ?", "hisName")
Licence BSD-3