Bulk-edits multiple languages of Localizable.strings files in Cocoa projects
What you can do:
- Open a .strings file inside an .lproj directory
- It finds the corresponding strings files in any other .lproj directories in the same parent dir
- You can then edit existing strings in all languages from one view.
- You can mass copy/paste strings (in all associated languages) between .strings files
- Changes can then be saved to all the files at once.
The good:
- Reads well-formed .strings files
- Writes .strings files
- TableView editor
- Auto-detects languages
- Edits multiple languages at once
- Copy/Paste of multiple rows
- Revert works
The bad / TODO:
- Naive parser.
- Will NSAssert() and bail out when its naive string-matching expectations aren't met.
- Will ignore certain errors and only log to console (missing comments, duplicate keys)
- Does no escaping or unescaping of strings, so you'll have to do that while editing.
- Can't add or remove rows
- Can't edit keys or comments
- No drag/drop
- Copy/Paste only works with custom JSON (can't copy/paste in the native .strings format)
- Basic tableview editor - no multiline or anything fancy like that
- No working "Save As..."
Pull requests gladly accepted!