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Jeffrey Warren edited this page Dec 9, 2011 · 2 revisions

This API works with the server edition only. Note that bounding box coordinates are submitted as latitudes/longitudes of the sides. They are ordered counter-clockwise starting with the left bound.

To see an implementation of the API, see public/cartagen/src/interface/user.js in the Cartagen source.

Writing Nodes

Submit a request to /node/write, passing these parameters:

  • name: a short string that describes what the node represents
  • color: a color string, i.e. "rgb(1,10, 25)", "rgba(10,30,100,0.5)", "green", or "#ff090e"
  • lat: The latitude of the node
  • lon: The longitude of the node
  • author: The name of the submitter. Use "anonymous" if the name is unknown

The server will respond with the id of the node, as plain text.

Reading Nodes

Submit a request to /node/read, passing one or both of these parameters:

  • bbox: Comma-seperated bounding box to find nodes in
  • timestamp: Time, as a UTC time string (i.e. Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:49:36 GMT)

The server will respond with a JSON object with the property 'node', which is an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id: The id of the node
  • name: a short string that describes what the node represents
  • color: A color string, i.e. "rgb(10 20, 30)"
  • lat: The latitude of the node
  • lon: The longitude of the node
  • author: The name of the author
  • way_id: The id of the way the node belongs to, or 0 if it does not belong to a node.
  • order: The position in the way that this node appear, or 0 if this node does not have a way -- the first node in a way has order 0, the econd one has order 1, the third has order 2, etc.

Writing Ways

Submit a request to /way/write passing the parameter "way" which should correspond to a JSON object with the following properties:

  • name: a short string that describes what the way represents
  • color: A color string, i.e. "rgb(1, 2, 3)"
  • author: Name of the submitter
  • bbox: Array of bbox sides
  • nodes: Array of tuples in [x, y] format, each tuple representing node of the way

The server will respond with the way's id in plain text format.

Reading Ways

Submit a request to /way/read with the parameter "ids" corresponding to a comma-seperated list of bounding box bounds.

The server will respond with a JSON object with two properties: "node" and "way". The "way" property is an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id: The id of the way
  • name: a short string that describes what the way represents
  • author: The name of the author
  • color: The color of this way

The "node" property is an array of objects with the same properties as those returned by reading a node (see above)

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