Currently supported functionality as of 07/01/2021. Documentation is provided as WIP.
Method | Description |
get_file_contents | Returns entirety of python script as a string. |
get_comments | Returns a dictionary of commented sections of a python script. |
get_imports | Returns a dictionary of module imports in a python script. |
get_functions | Returns a dictionary of functions in a python script; a function entry is comprised of its name, parameters, and docstring if present. |
extract_python | Retrieves functions and imports. |
python_len | Retrieves the number of lines in a python script. |
pep8_compliance | Returns PEP8 compliance of a python script, along with an array of issues found, if any. |
num_calls_arbitrary | Returns the number of calls made to any arbitrary function. |
num_calls_open | Returns the number of calls made to the open() syscall. |
get_compilation_version | Returns the version that a python script is interpreted with at runtime. |
get_compatible_version | Returns a tuple of versions of python interpreters that are compatible with a given python script. |
- Import xtract_python_main.
- Import a code repository. Xtract-python includes a Getter object (found in xtract_python_getter) which wraps PyCurl and the GitHub API to easily extract the code from a repository without cloning it.
get = xpg.Getter(owner='edeng23', repo='binance-trade-bot')
get.direc = 'tests/test_files/binance_trade_bot/'
- Once code is imported, we can call various methods in xtract_python_main; a user may wish acquire a list of possible python scripts for extraction, using method 'get_file_paths' or skip this step and allow this to be handled by method 'run_extractors_dir' which automatically finds suitable scripts.
file_paths = get_file_paths('some/directory/')
for file_path in file_paths:
metadata = run_extractors_file(file_path)
- Add types for input parameters and return variables to function extraction.
- Add return to function extraction. We include the input parameters, so why not the return parameter?