- go (golang)
- npm (node)
- node-sass
- github.com/urfave/negroni
- github.com/unrolled/render
- github.com/ChromatixAU/gomiddleware
For windows, you may need to get a version of make or use mingw32-make.exe
- npm install
- make install
- npm run assets
- make
- Add Babel
- Add Minification
- Add React
- Add Tests
- Add Configuration System
- Add file watch
- Add Template Layouts
- Add Routing
- Add Database
- Add Authentication
- Add Linting
- src - 3rd party libs source
- pkg - packaged 3rd party libs
- bin - binaries
- log - application logs
- node_modules - for node modules used for js/css/image asset pipeline
- public - web root (Do not put things in here, items are copied from theme folder via 'npm run assets'
- theme - theme files
- theme/data - json files for static data per theme
- theme/templates - golang html templates used by render lib
- theme/assets - stores theme css/js/images