A lightweight extension providing a mechanism to handle products and categories that can then be used across the rest of the RadiantCMS site.
Although simple product/category systems can be created using child pages and built in Radant tags, this can become a hassle - especially when it comes to maintaining linked Ordering and Product List pages.
This extension was created to make this process simpler by storing it all in one location (the DB) so as that it is easy to reuse the information across the site.
The extension adds a “Products” page which provides a simple mechanism to add categories and products.
Currently, each Product is as simple as possible - only including a title, a description, a price and a URL for a photo.
The categories and products are exposed to the site using the following tags:
<r:product:find where=""> ... </r:product> <r:products:each where="" order=""> ... </r:products:each> <r:product:id /> <r:product:title /> <r:product:description /> <r:product:price precision="" unit="" separator="" delimiter="" /> <r:product:image /> <r:product:photo_url /> <r:category:find where=""> ... </r:category> <r:categories:each where="" order=""> ... </r:categories:each> <r:category:id /> <r:category:title /> <r:category:description />
<h2>Product Listing</h2> <r:categories:each order=“title ASC”> <div class=“category”> <h3><r:category:title /></h3> <r:products:each order=“price ASC”> <div class=“product”> <h4><r:product:title /> (<r:product:price precision=“0” />)</h4> <p><r:product:image /><r:product:description /></p> </div> </r:products:each> </div> </r:categories:each>
NOTE: The following uses an array of variables that need to be parsed by the mailer extension. This curently isn’t baked into mailer, but my patched version is available at: github.com/jstirk/radiant-mailer-extension/tree/master
<h2>Order Form</h2> <table> <tr><th>Product</th><th>Cost</th><th>Quantity</th></tr> <r:categories:each order=“title ASC”> <tr><th colspan=“3”><r:category:title /></th></tr> <r:products:each order=“price ASC”> <tr> <td> <r:product:title /> <input type=“hidden” name=“mailer[<r:product:id />][name]” value=“<r:product:title />” /> </td> <td><r:product:price /></td> <td><input type=“text” name=“mailer[<r:product:id />][qty]” value=“0” /></td> </tr> </r:products:each> </r:categories:each> </table>
File upload for Photos
Version 0.1 Original version by Jason Stirk - http://griffin.oobleyboo.com/ Contact: [email protected]