This Rails API app provides json information related to an ecommerce marketplace site. This is part of the back end curriculum at the Turing School for Software and Design. Information related to this project can be fount here
- Rails 5.2
- Ruby 2.4.1
- active_model_serializers
- rspec-rails
- pry
- simplecov
- active_designer
- shoulda-matchers
- factory_bot_rails
- faker
To install dependencies after cloning the app, run:
'bundle install'
'rails db:create' 'rails db:migrate'
This data comes from CSV files from the Sales Engine project, which can be found here: Clone this project into the parent folder of this project, then run:
'rake import:merchants'
'rake import:customers'
'rake import:invoices'
'rake import:transactions'
'rake import:items'
'rake import:invoice_items'
To run all tests, run: 'rspec'
To run this all locally, run: 'rails s'
This will launch the app on localhost:3000 Once running, the app will respopnt to HTTP GET requests with the appropriate JSON data based on Active Record and SQL queries to the PostgreSQL database.
Justine Troyke -
Steven Schwedt -