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Service Monitor

jurialmunkey edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 58 revisions

Service Monitor

TMDbHelper provides a ListItem service monitor that provides details about the current item from online APIs. By default, the service monitor will be in an idle state. To use the service monitor, enable the skin setting TMDbHelper.Service in your skin. You can also disable some parts of the service monitor such as additional artwork lookups if not needed.

Command Description
Skin.SetBool(TMDbHelper.Service) Set service monitor to ACTIVE state
Skin.Reset(TMDbHelper.Service) Set service monitor to IDLE state
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.Service) Toggle state
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur) Enable blur image
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableDesaturate) Enable desaturated image
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableColors) Enable color monitor
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.DisableArtwork) Disable additional artwork lookups
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.DisablePersonStats) Disable kodi db person statistics
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.DisableExtendedProperties) Disable additional properties such as Director.X.Name
!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.IsUpdating)) Service Monitor is updating
String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.IsUpdating)) Service Monitor finished updating
SetProperty(TMDbHelper.WidgetContainer,WIDGET_ID,Home) Specify a widget container ID to load info for. Note that the service monitor works automatically for dialogvideoinfo without a container ID specified.
Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.ForceWidgetContainer) Forces widget container ID lookup to be used in info dialog
SetProperty(TMDbHelper.ServicePause,1) Pause the service monitor while the current window is active and has focus. Use with <onload> to stop a custom dialog from updating the service monitor. v4.4.34+
Skin.SetBool(TMDbHelper.UseLocalWidgetContainer) Enabling this setting will tell TMDbHelper to get the WidgetContainer property from the currently active window Window.Property() instead of from the home window Window(Home).Property() so that different widgetcontainer properties can be set for different windows. v5+
Skin.SetString(TMDbHelper.MonitorContainer,99950) Enables the alternate method where TMDbHelper will add the detailed item to a hidden container with the ID specified instead of using window properties. Any unqiue ID can be used, 99950 is an example. v5+

Properties returned

As of v5, TMDbHelper has two methods for using the service monitor:

  • The "container" method where a listitem is added to a hidden container.
    • Access details using standard listitem infolabels.
    • Local scope ensures that item relates to window.
    • Slightly faster to add details and allows new details to be updated.
    • ListItems typically less CPU demanding than Window Properties
  • The "classic" method where info is set as a home window property (default method)
    • Window(Home).Property() is global and so can be accessed in any window.

Container method

TMDbHelper adds the details to a hidden container as specified by Skin.SetString(TMDbHelper.MonitorContainer,99950). Using this option allows access to the details via infolabels as a standard listitem. $INFO[Container(99950).ListItem.INFOLABEL]

To use this method you must add a hidden list container with the specified ID on every window and dialog where you want to use the service monitor. If the active window does not have this container then TMDbHelper will idle until a window with the container becomes active.

<control type="list" id="99950">
   <itemlayout />
   <focusedlayout />

See the Detailed Item Wiki Page for a list of available properties.

Classic method

TMDbHelper will output details to window properties on the home screen $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.PROPERTY)]

Replace "PROPERTY" with the property name from Detailed Item Wiki Page. Note that infolabels and infoproperties need to be converted as in the following examples:

$INFO[ListItem.Property(PROPERTY)] $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.PROPERTY)]
$INFO[ListItem.Property(Cast.1.Name)] $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Cast.1.Name)]
$INFO[ListItem.Art(tvshow.clearart)] $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.tvshow.clearart)]
$INFO[ListItem.Art(clearlogo)] $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.clearlogo)]
$INFO[ListItem.Studio] $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Studio)]

Player monitor

As of v4.6.44 it is also possible to get details of the now playing item by switching "ListItem" with "Player" in the window property $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.Player.PROPERTY)]

Special Additional Properties

Property Description
Premiered_Long Premiered formatted with Kodi longdate settings
Premiered_Custom Premiered formatted using custom strftime Skin.SetString(TMDbHelper.Date.Format,%d %b %Y) see for formatting string options. Will also apply custom formatting to Next_Aired.Custom and Last_Aired.Custom if airing data is available.
Duration Total Minutes e.g. 3hr12m will return 192
Duration_H Hours Portion e.g. 3hr12m will return 3
Duration_M Minutes Portion e.g. 3hr12m will return 12
Duration_HHMM Formatted HH:MM e.g. 3hr12m will return 03:12

Watched Providers

Information is provided by JustWatch via the TMDb API for services on which the item is available for streaming, download, rent or buy. You MUST display the JustWatch logo and attribute this data as being from JustWatch whenever you use it.

Property Description
Provider.X.Name Name of the provider
Provider.X.Icon Icon of the provider
Provider.X.Type The format the provider has the item e.g. Rent, Buy, Flatrate
Provider.X.ID The ID of the provider on JustWatch

Blur Monitor

TMDbHelper also provides a simple blur monitor.


Source image

Key Order of artwork used
thumb Art(thumb)
poster Art(tvshow.poster), Art(poster), Art(thumb)
fanart Art(fanart), Art(thumb)
landscape Art(landscape), Art(fanart), Art(thumb)

The blurred artwork is taken from the active item in the service monitor. If you set a widget container ID property, it will take the source image for that item.

As of v2.4.37 it is possible to set a pipe | separated custom order of source artwork properties


Fallback Source Image


This image will be used for the blur if the specified source images are not available.

Manual RunScript


Output Blur Image


Original contains the unblurred image to allow syncing of image change with blur

Desaturate Monitor

Desaturate image. Usage is same as blur monitor. When using container method the output is added to ListItem.Art() instead.

Desaturate Monitor
Enable Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableDesaturate)
Source SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Desaturate.SourceImage,poster,Home)
Fallback SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Desaturate.Fallback,path/image.jpg,Home)
Output Image $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.DesaturateImage)]
Original Image $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.DesaturateImage.Original)]

Color Monitor

Match colors of image. Usage is same as blur monitor. Outputs main colour of image and a complimentary triadic colour using a 120 degree hue shift. Luminance and Saturation values can be fixed to a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0

Color Monitor
Enable Skin.ToggleSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableColors)
Source SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Colors.SourceImage,poster,Home)
Fallback SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Colors.Fallback,path/image.jpg,Home)
Fixed Luminance (0.0 - 1.0) Skin.SetString(TMDbHelper.Colors.Luminance,0.75)
Fixed Saturation (0.0 - 1.0) Skin.SetString(TMDbHelper.Colors.Saturation,0.75)
Output Main $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Colors.Main)]
Output Complimentary $INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Colors.Comp)]