With this project I learned how to use advanced SQL queries to analyze data from the logs of a web service to answer important questions like "What is the most popular page?" and "When was the error rate high?"
In order to be able to run the project you will need to have installed:
- Python 2.7
- PostgressSQL
Also when postgressSQL is up and running:
- Create a database named "news" and restore the newsdata.sql dump.
- Create the following article_views and resquests_by_day database VIEWS
Take a look to my good looking SQL Create Views statements below!
CREATE VIEW article_views AS
count(a.id) AS views
FROM articles AS a
JOIN log AS l
ON l.path = CONCAT('/article/', a.slug)
WHERE l.status = '200 OK'
GROUP BY a.id;
CREATE VIEW requests_by_day AS
count(*) AS errors
FROM log,
DATE_TRUNC('day', time) AS day,
count(*) AS requests
FROM log GROUP BY day) AS rbd
day = DATE_TRUNC('day', log.time)
and log.status = '404 NOT FOUND'
GROUP BY day, requests;
- Keep calm my friend.
- Clone the source code in your local envarioment
- Enter to the code directory and run the command:
python log_analysis.py
What log_analysis.py will do is to connect to the database and for each query especified in analyze.py file it will consult the 'news' named database and print the results in the console.