VIM configuration files that work with vim and neovim. Lots of Python-related plugins included, see plugins.vimrc for list of plugins.
- Neovim
- Neovim python-client
- yapf
Suggested linters to be used with ALE:
- pylint (Python)
- flake8 (Python)
- pydocstyle (Python)
- lacheck (Latex)
- chktex (Latex)
- yamllint (YAML)
- ansible-lint (ansible)
- rstcheck (ReStructuredText)
- eslint (JavaScript)
Suggested code completion software to be used with deoplete:
- Jedi (python)
- TernJS (JavaScript)
Install Neovim RPM-repositories:
Install RPMs
yum install yapf neovim python34-neovim python2-neovim
- Clone vimfiles:
git clone ~/.config/nvim/
- Install plugin manager:
curl -Lo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
- Install plugins. Open vim and run command:
nvim +PlugInstall +qall
- Create directory for vim-backups:
mkdir ~/.vimbackup/
- Copy vimpager to some directory in $PATH:
ln -s -r ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vimpager/vimpager ~/.opt/bin/
- Use vimpager as default pager:
echo "export PAGER=vimpager" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
To use same configuration for vim8:
ln -s -r ~/.config/nvim ~/.vim