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Merge pull request #545 from chriscoey/arrowhessprod
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WIP: improve oracles for epinorminf and entropy, misc numerical fixes
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chriscoey authored Jul 7, 2020
2 parents 2c8942b + 4db462c commit bb654f5
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Showing 18 changed files with 320 additions and 144 deletions.
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions examples/lyapunovstability/JuMP.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,19 +37,16 @@ example_tests(::Type{LyapunovStabilityJuMP{Float64}}, ::MinimalInstances) = [
((2, 2, false, false),),
example_tests(::Type{LyapunovStabilityJuMP{Float64}}, ::FastInstances) = begin
options = (tol_feas = 1e-7, tol_rel_opt = 1e-6, tol_abs_opt = 1e-6)
relaxed_options = (tol_feas = 1e-3, tol_rel_opt = 1e-4, tol_abs_opt = 1e-4)
options = (tol_feas = 1e-6, tol_rel_opt = 1e-6, tol_abs_opt = 1e-6)
return [
((5, 6, true, true), nothing, relaxed_options),
((5, 6, true, true), nothing, options),
((5, 6, true, false), nothing, options),
((5, 5, false, true), nothing, options),
((5, 5, false, false), nothing, options),
# ((10, 20, true, true), nothing, relaxed_options),
((10, 20, true, true), nothing, options),
((10, 20, true, false), nothing, options),
((15, 15, false, true), nothing, options),
((15, 15, false, false), nothing, options),
((25, 30, true, true), nothing, options),
((25, 30, true, false), nothing, options),
((30, 30, false, false), nothing, options),
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/polymin/JuMP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ function test_extra(inst::PolyMinJuMP{T}, model::JuMP.Model) where T
@test JuMP.termination_status(model) == MOI.OPTIMAL
if JuMP.termination_status(model) == MOI.OPTIMAL && !isnan(inst.true_min)
# check objective value is correct
tol = eps(T)^0.2
tol = eps(T)^0.1
@test JuMP.objective_value(model) inst.true_min atol = tol rtol = tol
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/polymin/native.jl
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Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ function test_extra(inst::PolyMinNative{T}, result::NamedTuple) where T
@test result.status == :Optimal
if result.status == :Optimal && !isnan(inst.true_min)
# check objective value is correct
tol = eps(T)^0.2
tol = eps(T)^0.1
true_min = (inst.use_primal ? -1 : 1) * inst.true_min
@test result.primal_obj true_min atol = tol rtol = tol
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/robustgeomprog/JuMP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ example_tests(::Type{RobustGeomProgJuMP{Float64}}, ::FastInstances) = begin
options = (tol_feas = 1e-6, tol_rel_opt = 1e-6, tol_abs_opt = 1e-6)
return [
((5, 10), nothing, options),
# ((5, 10), ClassicConeOptimizer), nothing, options),
((5, 10), ClassicConeOptimizer), nothing, options),
((10, 20), nothing, options),
((20, 40), nothing, options),
# ((40, 80),),
((40, 80),),
example_tests(::Type{RobustGeomProgJuMP{Float64}}, ::SlowInstances) = [
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57 changes: 32 additions & 25 deletions src/Cones/Cones.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ inv_hess(cone::Cone) = (cone.inv_hess_updated ? cone.inv_hess : update_inv_hess(

reset_data(cone::Cone) = (cone.feas_updated = cone.grad_updated = cone.hess_updated = cone.inv_hess_updated = cone.hess_fact_updated = false)

function use_sqrt_oracles(cone::Cone)
cone.hess_fact_updated || update_hess_fact(cone; recover = true)
return (cone.hess_fact_cache isa DensePosDefCache)

use_correction(::Cone) = true

update_hess_prod(cone::Cone) = nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,36 +174,30 @@ use_heuristic_neighborhood(cone::Cone) = cone.use_heuristic_neighborhood
function in_neighborhood(cone::Cone{T}, rtmu::T, max_nbhd::T) where {T <: Real}
# norm(H^(-1/2) * (z + mu * grad))
nbhd_tmp = cone.nbhd_tmp
nbhd_tmp2 = cone.nbhd_tmp2
g = grad(cone)
@. nbhd_tmp = cone.dual_point + rtmu * g

if use_heuristic_neighborhood(cone)
nbhd = norm(nbhd_tmp, Inf) / norm(g, Inf)
# nbhd = maximum(abs(dj / gj) for (dj, gj) in zip(nbhd_tmp, g)) # TODO try this neighborhood
elseif Cones.use_sqrt_oracles(cone)
inv_hess_sqrt_prod!(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp, cone)
nbhd = norm(nbhd_tmp2)
has_hess_fact_cache = hasfield(typeof(cone), :hess_fact_cache)
if has_hess_fact_cache && !update_hess_fact(cone)
inv_hess_prod!(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp, cone)
nbhd_sqr = dot(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp)
if nbhd_sqr < -eps(T) # TODO possibly loosen
# @warn("numerical failure: cone neighborhood is $nbhd_sqr")
return false
nbhd_tmp2 = cone.nbhd_tmp2
if has_hess_fact_cache && cone.hess_fact_cache isa DenseSymCache{T}
inv_hess_prod!(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp, cone)
nbhd_sqr = dot(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp)
if nbhd_sqr < -eps(T) # TODO possibly loosen
# @warn("numerical failure: cone neighborhood is $nbhd_sqr")
return false
nbhd = sqrt(abs(nbhd_sqr))
inv_hess_sqrt_prod!(nbhd_tmp2, nbhd_tmp, cone)
nbhd = norm(nbhd_tmp2)
nbhd = sqrt(abs(nbhd_sqr))

return (nbhd < rtmu * max_nbhd)

# TODO cleanup / remove if not using
# function in_neighborhood(cone::Cone{T}, dual_point::AbstractVector{T}, rtmu::T, max_nbhd::T) where {T <: Real}
# # norm(H^(-1/2) * (z + mu * grad))
# nbhd_tmp = cone.nbhd_tmp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,18 +457,21 @@ function sparse_upper_arrow(T::Type{<:Real}, w_dim::Int)

function factor_upper_arrow(uu, uw, ww, nzval)
minrt = abs2(eps(uu))
minval = sqrt(eps(uu)) # TODO tune
nzidx = 2
@inbounds for i in eachindex(ww)
wwi = sqrt(max(ww[i], minrt))
ww1i = ww[i]
ww1i < eps(uu) && return false
wwi = sqrt(ww1i)
uwi = uw[i] / wwi
uu -= abs2(uwi)
uu < minval && return false
nzval[nzidx] = uwi
nzval[nzidx + 1] = wwi
nzidx += 2
nzval[1] = sqrt(max(uu, minrt))
return nzval
nzval[1] = sqrt(uu)
return true

function sparse_upper_arrow_block2(T::Type{<:Real}, w_dim::Int)
Expand All @@ -491,20 +493,25 @@ function sparse_upper_arrow_block2(T::Type{<:Real}, w_dim::Int)

function factor_upper_arrow_block2(uu, uv, uw, vv, vw, ww, nzval)
minrt = abs2(eps(uu))
minval = sqrt(eps(uu)) # TODO tune
nzidx = 1
@inbounds for i in eachindex(ww)
wwi = sqrt(max(ww[i], minrt))
ww1i = ww[i]
ww1i < eps(uu) && return false
wwi = sqrt(ww1i)
vwi = vw[i] / wwi
uwi = uw[i] / wwi
vvi = sqrt(max(vv[i] - abs2(vwi), minrt))
vv2i = vv[i] - abs2(vwi)
vv2i < eps(uu) && return false
vvi = sqrt(vv2i)
uvi = (uv[i] - vwi * uwi) / vvi
uu -= abs2(uwi) + abs2(uvi)
uu < minval && return false
@. nzval[nzidx .+ (1:5)] = (uvi, vvi, uwi, vwi, wwi)
nzidx += 5
nzval[1] = sqrt(max(uu, minrt))
return nzval
nzval[1] = sqrt(uu)
return true

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Cones/epinormeucl.jl
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Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ use_heuristic_neighborhood(cone::EpiNormEucl) = false

reset_data(cone::EpiNormEucl) = (cone.feas_updated = cone.grad_updated = cone.hess_updated = cone.inv_hess_updated = false)

use_sqrt_oracles(cone::EpiNormEucl) = true

# TODO only allocate the fields we use
function setup_data(cone::EpiNormEucl{T}) where {T <: Real}
Expand Down

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