- tiny: only 0.3k minified and gzipped, so it can be easily used as inline script
- universal: you are able to make JSON in almost any programming language
- flexible: standalone and Zepto.js client-side versions
- true: returns a DOM DocumentFragment
- fast: some benchmarks will coming soon
var template = [
['div', {'class': 'header'},
['a', {'href': '#'}, 'some pretty title']
'some pretty text line 1', ['br'],
'some pretty text line 2'
['div', {'class': 'content'},
['p', 'some pretty paragraph'],
['p', 'another one'],
['ul', {'class': 'pretty-list'},
['li', 'item1'],
['li', {'class': 'active'}, 'item2'],
['a', {'href': '#'}, 'item3']
['div', {'class': 'footer'},
['form', {'action': '/'},
['input', {'type': 'text', 'value': 'some pretty input'}],
['input', {'type': 'submit', 'value': 'push'}],
'all rights reserved, copyright 2011.'
var data = {
'title': {
'url': '#',
'text': 'some pretty title'
'paragraphs': [
'some pretty paragraph',
'another one'
'list': [
{'text': 'item1'},
{'text': 'item2', 'active': true},
{'text': 'item3', 'url': '#'}
'footer': {
'input': {
'type': 'text',
'value': 'some pretty input'
'button': {
'type': 'button',
'value': 'push'
'copyright': 'all rights reserved, copyright 2011.'
template = [
['div', {'class': 'header'},
['a', {'href': data.title.url}, data.title.text]
'some pretty text line 1', ['br'],
'some pretty text line 2'
['div', {'class': 'content'},
data.paragraphs.map(function(text) {
return ['p', text]
['ul', {'class': 'pretty-list'},
data.list.map(function(item) {
return ['li', item.active && {'class': 'active'},
item.url ?
['a', {'href': item.url}, item.text] :
['div', {'class': 'footer'},
['form', {'action': '/'},
['input', data.footer.input],
['input', data.footer.button]
successfully tested in:
- iOS 3.2.1+
- Android 1.6+
- Google Chrome / Chromium *
- FF 3.0+
- Safari 4+
- Opera 9.27+
- IE 6+