Description: MeetYourMajor is a simple, lightweight web application through which high school and college students alike can take a short assessment that determines their career or major of best-fit. This app intends to assist students who feel unsure of what major they should pursue during their time in college, by matching their personality, interests, skills, and financials to a small list of "ideal" majors.
- Tech Stack: React-Bootstrap for the front-end, Django and SQLite for the back-end. Main languages are HTML5, Javascript, and Python
- Version: Alpha
- Changelog: Changes made can be found on the CHANGELOG.
In order to run this program, you will need NodeJS installed and set up on your device. Additionally, a number of packages should be installed
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
- @testing-library/jest-dom
- @testing-library/user-event (currently not in use, but may be utilized later on)
- react-bootstrap
- react-transition-group (will be implemented later on in the project)
In order to develop this project, you will need to have all of the packages mentioned previously installed onto your working directory. To do so, clone the repo locally and run the following
- npm install
This should install all user and dev dependencies found in the package.json file of this project.
In order to start the webapp locally, you would run
- npm start
Likewise, in order to run tests, we use the react-scripts shortcut
- npm test
This is currently a private repository, but if any changes to contribution guidelines are made, they would be present in a file.
@juanrodl - Project Manager - UI and Front-End Developer @angel1254mc - Scrum Master - Front-end Developer @shehzad02 - Back-End Specialist - Database Manager @jesv99 - Engineering Manager - Developer - Product Design Lead