Inspired by the color scheme previously used (the 2nd version?) by Now they changed the theme to a much brighter one. This theme is for GNU Emacs version 24, in which theming is officially supported.
Copy Deviant-theme.el
to somewhere in your Emacs load-path
. Then
either M-x load-theme<RET>Deviant
or (load-theme 'Deviant t)
If you are using Emacs in Mac, and your Emacs is not patched for the sRGB bug (see the remarks section), you need to set `dv-macp’ to `t’ in order to have the correct color.
There is a bug in Emacs under Mac OS X. A color specification in hex
(e.g. #2e3735
) is rendered in generic-RGB color space instead of the
correct sRGB. Therefore a set of colors compensated for that is used
in this theme if the OS is Mac OS X.
UPDATE: Now there are patches that deal with this color bug. In Homebrew you can choose to apply that patch which is what I did. So I now hard-code the theme to use sRGB colors.