Below you will find basic setup and deployment instructions for the website project. To begin you should have the following applications installed on your local development system:
- Python >= 2.6 (2.7 recommended)
- pip >= 1.1
- virtualenv >= 1.7
- virtualenvwrapper >= 3.0
- Postgres >= 8.4 (9.1 recommended)
- git >= 1.7
The deployment uses SSH with agent forwarding so you'll need to enable agent
forwarding if it is not already by adding ForwardAgent yes
to your SSH
If you are cloning the repo, you will also need to initialize submodules from the root project directory:
git clone git:// website/ cd website/ git submodule init git submodule update
Whenever you pull down from the repository, make sure to run git submodule
To setup your local environment you should create a virtualenv and install the necessary requirements:
mkvirtualenv --distribute website $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install -r $PWD/requirements/dev.txt
Then create a local settings file and set your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
use it:
cp website/settings/ website/settings/ echo "export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=website.settings.local" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate
You will also need to set a >=50 length secret key, as the settings files pulls the SECRET_KEY from the local environment:
echo "export SECRET_KEY=somethinglongerthan50chars" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "unset SECRET_KEY" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate
Exit the virtualenv and reactivate it to activate the settings just changed:
deactivate workon website
Create the Postgres database and run the initial syncdb/migrate:
createdb -E UTF-8 rapidsms_website python syncdb python migrate
Configure your application on Github. Visit the "Applications" section of your Github account settings, and create a new application.
- Name: You can use any name for the application.
- URL: The URL of your site. For local testing, use
. - Callback URL: Add the absolute path to "/users/login/github/callback/" as the callback URL.
Add the Github-generated Client ID (GITHUB_KEY
) and Client Secret
) to your file, and run:
python setup_github
You should now be able to run the development server:
python runserver utilizes Solr for the search backend. In order to utilize search locally, you will need to install and configure Solr:
This will install Solr in the root of the repository. To run Solr:
If you make changes to the Haystack indices, you will need to rebuild the Solr schema. Due to an existing Haystack issue, there is a helper script to do this as well:
After running the script, you will need to restart Solr.
Lastly, you will need to build the initial search index:
python rebuild_index
You can deploy changes to a particular environment with the deploy
command. This takes an optional branch name to deploy. If the branch is not
given, it will use the default branch defined for this environment in
fab staging deploy fab staging deploy:new-feature
New requirements or South migrations are detected by parsing the VCS changes and will be installed/run automatically.
You can run the tests via:
python test packages projects users
To check the test coverage you should have coverage installed and run:
# Install coverage pip install coverage # Run tests with coverage coverage run --source=website test packages projects users aggregator # Show the coverage report with missing lines coverage report -m --omit="*/tests/*,*/migrations/*,*/settings/*,"