Fault study for PowerModels and PowerModelsDistribution
In the future this will also include optimal protection coordation formulations and possibly also protection coordination constraints for optimal switching problems
- Generators are modeled as voltage sources behind an impedance. For synchronous generation, this is the subtransient reactance
$X_d''$ . For inverters, this is currently a virtual resistance. A more accurate model for inverters will take into account their current limits - Loads are neglected
- Faults are modeled as an admittance matrix
using PowerModels, PowerModelsProtection, Ipopt
net = PowerModels.parse_file("case5.raw", import_all=true)
solver = Ipopt.Optimizer
net["fault"] = Dict()
net["fault"]["1"] = Dict("bus"=>2, "r"=>0.0001)
results = PowerModelsProtection.run_fault_study(net, solver )
TODO section has moved to issues
k*p = vr*cr - vi*ci
k*q = vr*ci + vi*cr
where k
is a decision variable ranging from 0 to 1
An inverter under unbalanced conditions will operate at a fixed power factor averaged across all phases while injecting only positive-sequence current. This sounds ugly, but the constraints don't appear to be too bad.
a = ar + ai = exp(j*2*pi/3) = -1/2 + j*sqrt(3/2
a^2 = a2r + j*a2i = exp(j*4*pi/3) = -1/2 - j*sqrt(3/2
Positive-sequence current constraints:
car = c1r
cai = c1i
cbr = a2r*c1r + a2i*c1i
cbi = a2r*c1i + a2i*c2r
ccr = ar*c1r + ai*c1i
cci = ar*c1i + ai*c1i
Constant power factor constraints:
k*p = var*car + vbr*cbr + vcr*ccr - vai*cai - vbi*cbi - vci*cci
k*q = var*cai + vbr*cbi + vcr*cci + vai*car + vbi*cbr + vci*ccr
, vi
set from inverter node voltage base power flow
rs = 0.8 pu
, gives 1.3 pu
current into a short
xs = 0 pu
This model assumes that
, va
set from inverter node voltage from base power flow
vr[c] = kg[c]*vm[c]*cos(va[c])
vi[c] = kg[c]*vm[c]*sin(va[c])
-cmax <= crg[c] <= cmax for c in cnds
-cmax <= cig[c] <= cmax for c in cnds
Objective is sum( sum((vr[c] - vm[c]*cos(va[c]))^2 + (vi[c] - vm[c]*sin(va[c]))^2 for c in cnd) for g in inverter_gens)
Vg0 = V0 + zg*Ig0
V = kg*Vg0 - Z*Ig
|Ig| <= Igmax
Objective is sum( (vg - vg0)^2 for g in inverter_gens)
This code is provided under a BSD license as part of the Multi-Infrastructure Control and Optimization Toolkit (MICOT) project, LA-CC-13-108.