This library provides convenient access to the Plaid restful services. It's also available as NuGet package for .NET, Universal Windows Platform, Portable Class Library (Xamarin). Please drop me a note if you need specific target frameworks.
Public Client
var client = new PlaidPublicClient(PlaidClient.EnvironmentDevelopment);
var institutions = await client.GetInstitutions();
User Client
var client = new PlaidUserClient("test_id", "test_secret", PlaidClient.EnvironmentDevelopment);
var product = "connect";
var response = await client.AddUser(product, "td",
new Credentials { Username = "plaid_test", Password = "plaid_good" }, null);
// if response contains multi factor authentication, details will
// be wrapped in "Mfa" property
if (response.Mfa != null)
await client.StepUser(product, response.Mfa.AccessToken, new[] {"tomato"}, null);
// response.Accounts -> Account information
// response.Transactions -> Transactions
// response.Info -> User information from this institution
catch (PlaidException e)
// Use this exception to capture Plaid API errors
// as specified in
// Error details wrapped in e.Error
// if using WCF, you can easily use WebFaultException to handle the error
// throw new WebFaultException<Error>(e.Error, e.Error.StatusCode);
catch (Exception e)
// Something else happened here