For options: $ traject -h
Using marcout to convert from MARC binary to MARCXML:
traject -x marcout source_data/gpo_records_utf8.mrc -o output/gpo_records_utf8.xml -s marcout.type=xml
Using the traject_config to extract fields from MARC binary:
traject -c traject_config.rb source_data/gpo_records_utf8.mrc -o output/gpo_extracted.ndj
Using a command line argument to override a configuration to deal with a different text encoding:
traject -c traject_config.rb -s marc_source.encoding=MARC-8 source_data/gpo_records_marc8.mrc -o output/gpo_extracted.ndj
Writing to a CSV file:
traject -c traject_config.rb source_data/gpo_records_utf8.mrc -w "Traject::CSVWriter" -o output/gpo_extracted.csv