This repository is an alternative to compile vector images (.eps, .ps) in the PUC-RIO latex template(April 2016). However, images as png, jpeg, jpg can not be compiled.
The Bibtex bibliography style is the same of the original template, take care using the key parameter.
The main objectives are:
Also, it is provided the use of square brackets in citations. In order to generate the pdf file using vector images, we can do in 3 ways:
The source files can be upload to ShareLatex. Only one condition must be fulfilled: set the compiler in LaTex mode, not pdfLaTeX.
Go to Options/Configure TeXstudio/Build and set the commands as is shown in the next figure.
An important tip to map the output (pdf file) with the source (latex files) is "Go to Source". To enable this feature, go to Options/Configure TeXstudio/Commands:
According to the LaTeX compilation file flow:
We have to use:
latex main.tex
bibtex main.aux
latex main.tex
To transform the dvi file generated to pdf file:
dvips main.dvi : converts a DVI file to PostScript
ps2pdf : converts a PostScript file to PDF