- General Information
- Technologies Used
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- Dataset
- Setup
- Project requirements/dependencies
- Extentions for Vscode
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- Iris class : setosa;versicolor;virginica
- The proposed model classifies the iris flower with the input data.
- I have used SVM model for the classification using sklearn.svm
- VScode, pandas, seaborn, numppy, matplotlib, pickle and sklearn
- Classifies the species of iris flower instantly.
Python version 3.9.6
Visual Studio Code version 1.60.2
- Python
Just download the files or clone the project in your device and install the dependencies and we are good to go.
Directly run the iris_classification.ipynb file in VSCode(Python 3.9 64 bit)
Give the input data to predict the value to the model
Created by R JOEL SHARON