Covid Tracker is a slack bot that consumes data from The Covid Tracking Project API (updated daily) and displays it in Slack.
Click here to install Covid Tracker in your workspace.
Covid Tracker is not listed on the Slack app directory because Slack is only accepting COVID related applications from official sources (understandable). Nevertheless, Covid Tracker is open source, so you can see exactly what you're installing and verify the code behind displaying this data. The Covid Tracking Project is a trusted source for data on COVID-19.
Fetches COVID data about given state as of today.
Usage: /covid-state-data [state code]
Example: /covid-state-data CA
Fetches COVID data about the United States as of today.
Usage: /covid-usa-data
How can I report a problem?
Create an issue on the Github repository.
Can I Contribute?
Yes! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request. I will review it, test it manually, and merge it in.
The Covid Tracking Project for providing data.
Covid Tracker's app icon is made by Freepik from