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The C ESM EP in a nutshell

Stéphane Sénési edited this page Dec 18, 2024 · 35 revisions

On this page you will find the basic steps to run the C-ESM-EP on Spirit or Irene for the first time. This also applies for running it at CNRM, except for a few specifics described at Running C-ESM-EP at CNRM

Get the C-ESM-EP

Start by copying the sources on your /home:

On Spirit: you can simply copy the reference directory on Spirit, which is generally the most up-to-date:

cd <some directory>
mkdir C-ESM-EP
cp -r /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/jservon/cesmep_installs/cesmep_for_libIGCM C-ESM-EP

You may also clone the git repo, which version may be slightly behind the one above

git clone

On Irene, you just copy the sources:

mkdir C-ESM-EP
cp -r /ccc/cont003/home/igcmg/igcmg/Tools/cesmep C-ESM-EP

Set your e-mail in

In the script you will find a variable 'email' that you should set to:

  • your e-mail if you want to receive a notification at the end of each job
  • None if you want to deactivate it

Run the standard_comparison

Then run the standard_comparison comparison (provided as an example):

python standard_comparison

This will submit one job per available component/atlas in the standard_comparison directory. Note: standard_comparison contains a subset of the available atlases that is suitable for a coupled model. There are more atlases available in share/optional_atlas

The script will return the url of the C-ESM-EP html frontpage:

component =  Monsoons

-- The CliMAF ESM Evaluation Platform will be available here:
-- html file can be seen here:
-- /prodigfs/ipslfs/dods/fabric/C-ESM-EP/standard_comparison_jservon/C-ESM-EP_standard_comparison.html

Just get the url

Note: if you just want to get the url of a comparison without running the atlases, add url at the end of the command line and the script will simply return the url of the frontpage:

python standard_comparison url

Running the C-ESM-EP interactively

Running the C-ESM-EP interactively is really interesting if you are debugging, or making tests. We recommend to restrict interactive use of the C-ESM-EP only for tests and small atlases (not convenient for long jobs anyway).

First, submit an interactive session like this:

=> On Spirit:

srun --pty --mem-per-cpu=16G  --time=60

(set the memory according to your needs)

=> at TGCC:

ccc_mprun -p skylake -T 3600 -s

Check the online documentation of ccc_mprun at TGCC by passing the empty command:


to see all the available options (number of cores, memory limit).

=> at CNRM: nothing special to do

Then, go back to your comparison directory:

cd C-ESM-EP/my_comparison

You can then run your component interactively like this:

../ my_component

with my_component being the name of the component you are interested (could be AtlasExplorer, Atmosphere_Surface, NEMO_main, ORCHIDEE...)

Update your C-ESM-EP

If you got your C-ESM-EP code from github (or with a git clone of the Ciclad repo), get the last version of the C-ESM-EP doing:

git pull

in your working directory. If you copied your sources from the directory on Irene, do:

cp -r [path_to_home_drf]/p86jser/C-ESM-EP/src/* .

from your working directory.

Warning: if there are modifications on the params_*.py files in standard_comparison, re-start a new comparison from standard_comparison and not from one of your existing comparisons to benefit from the new features (and potentially avoid errors).

Run sets of atlases: LMDZ, NEMO, ORCHIDEE...

But there are also some pre-defined sets of atlases that you can run with the following arguments:

python my_comparison OA

=> 'Atmosphere_Surface', 'Atmosphere_zonmean', 'NEMO_main', 'NEMO_zonmean', 'NEMO_depthlevels', 'Atlantic_Atmosphere_Surface', 'ENSO', 'PISCES’

python my_comparison LMDZ

=> 'Atmosphere_Surface', 'Atmosphere_zonmean', 'Atmosphere_StdPressLevs’

python my_comparison LMDZOR

=> 'Atmosphere_Surface', 'Atmosphere_zonmean', 'Atmosphere_StdPressLevs', 'ORCHIDEE’

python my_comparison NEMO

=> 'NEMO_main', 'NEMO_zonmean', 'NEMO_depthlevels’, ‘PISCES’

Feel free to specify yours in (follow the examples in

Debugging and handling errors

You will find detailed documentation about errors and how to track and correct them on this page, a script to clean the outputs

The C-ESM-EP can produce a large volume of output/error/log files. You can easily clean those files use the script:


Move on to Building my comparison part 1 if you have successfully done all the steps!

And also have a look at how to use to take advantage of a faster C-ESM-EP.