Note: This Andriod App was made with Kotlin with OpenAI's GPT3 API, Google Maps API, and Dropbox API. The team began by using the "Wandering with Google Maps" boilerplate template. The project won the Health Category Prize in the 2023 MakeUoft competition..
In response to recent tragic events in Turkey, where the rescue efforts for the Earthquake have been very difficult. We decided to use Qualcomm’s HDK 8450 hardware development kit to create an application for survivors of natural disasters like earthquakes to send out distress signals to local authorities.
To develop the android app, we used a kotlin template from Android Studio. We used various APIs such as Google Maps for location tracking, openAI for the chatbot, and Dropbox to upload the photos that the users take. On the hardware side, we used an Arduino Due with a Bluetooth transmitter to talk to the android device. The Arduino sensors send relevant information like sound and temperature to the user interface