Automate the deployment of CloudFront and Lambda@edge Function
- AWS Credentials in Environment
- S3 Bucket
- CloudFront Distribution
- Lambda@Edge Function
- Attaching Lambda@Edge Function to CloudFront for OpenID Connect Flow to Okta.
Assumption : Secret Manager has the base64 encoded Okta configuration file (sample of the original configuration file is shown below with the dummy values, please replace the dummy values after setting up the values in Okta)
"client_id": "${CLIENT_ID_FROM_OKTA}",
"response_type": "code",
"scope": "openid email",
"redirect_uri": "https://${CLOUDFRONT_DIST_URL}/_callback"
"client_id": "${CLIENT_ID_FROM_OKTA}",
"redirect_uri": "https://${CLOUDFRONT_DIST_URL}/_callback",
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_secret": "${CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_OKTA}"
"DISTRIBUTION": "amazon-oai",
"DISCOVERY_DOCUMENT": "https://${OKTA_DOMAIN_NAME}/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"BASE_URL": "https://${OKTA_DOMAIN_NAME}/",
"CALLBACK_PATH": "/_callback",
Prerequisite: Create a file in src/js
called okta-key.txt which is the key for the secret manager path pointing to the base 64 encoded file as mentioned above.
a. Build lambda function, and prepare them for subsequent steps in the workflow
Command: sam build -b ./build -s . -t template.yaml -u
b. Packages the above LambdaFunction. It creates a ZIP file of the code and dependencies, and uploads it to Amazon S3 (please create the S3 bucket and mention the bucket name in the command below). It then returns a copy of AWS SAM template, replacing references to local artifacts with the Amazon S3 location where the command uploaded the artifacts
Command: sam package \
--template-file build/template.yaml \
--s3-bucket ${YOUR_S3_SAM_BUCKET} \
--output-template-file build/packaged.yaml
c. Deploy Lambda functions through AWS CloudFormation from the S3 bucket created above. AWS SAM CLI now creates and manages this Amazon S3 bucket for you.
Command: sam deploy \
--template-file build/packaged.yaml \
--stack-name oidc-auth \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.
- Matt Noyce
- Viyoma Sachdeva