BlockBuster 2D is a simple game with visual and sound effects. I built it as a fun project to explore game development with Unity. You can play the game on your browser!
Tech Stack: C#, Unity 2D
Please visit deployed website:
BlockBreaker is a 2D game created using game engine platform Unity and C# scripts.
Once the ball is launched by clicking the left key of the mouse, the player's goal is to destroy all breakable blocks without letting the ball drop. The player will control the horizontal position of the paddle by moving the mouse. The player will earn 98 points for each block they hit.
There are currently two levels in the game. After completing each level, the player will receive fireworks and an "Awesome!" cheers.
You will only need a modern Internet browser and a mouse to play the game.
BlockBreaker is deployed on GitHub page. To play from the Internet browser, go to
If you use MacOS and you have Unity downloaded on your computer (version 2018.4.29f1 or later is recommended), you can download BlockBreaker by downloading the directory "" from this repository.
Once downloaded, simply click on to play the game. Please choose screen resolution 640x480.