下载量最高的 100 个 Laravel 扩展包
排名 | 包地址 | 下载次数 | Star | 描述 |
1 | intervention/image | 12273938 | 7297 | Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration 图像处理和操作库,支持Laravel集成。 |
2 | barryvdh/laravel-debugbar | 8612844 | 7356 | PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel 用于Laravel的PHP Debugbar集成。 |
3 | barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper | 8366810 | 6737 | Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Facade classes, to improve auto-completion. Laravel IDE助手,为所有Facade类生成正确的PHPDocs,以改进自动完成。 |
4 | maatwebsite/excel | 6787106 | 5168 | An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel 用PHPExcel的力量,在Laravel 4中导入和导出Excel和CSV的一种很有说服力的方法。 |
5 | jenssegers/agent | 3449611 | 2087 | Desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect 支持Laravel的桌面/移动用户代理解析器,基于mobile检测。 |
6 | barryvdh/laravel-cors | 3421638 | 2696 | Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application 在您的Laravel应用程序中添加CORS(跨源资源共享)头支持。 |
7 | aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel | 3373896 | 1006 | A simple Laravel 5 service provider for including the AWS SDK for PHP. 一个简单的Laravel 5服务提供商,包括用于PHP的AWS SDK。 |
8 | tymon/jwt-auth | 3253020 | 6138 | JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel and Lumen 用于Laravel和Lumen的JSON Web Token认证。 |
9 | bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel | 2898354 | 414 | Official Bugsnag notifier for Laravel applications. 关于Laravel应用程序的官方提示。 |
10 | barryvdh/laravel-dompdf | 2679267 | 2119 | A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel 一个为拉拉维尔的圆顶包装。 |
11 | maknz/slack | 2400390 | 1021 | A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with a focus on ease of use and elegant syntax. 一个简单的PHP包,用于将消息发送到Slack,重点放在易用性和优雅的语法上。 |
12 | yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle | 2107543 | 2188 | jQuery DataTables API for Laravel 4/5 Laravel 4/5的jQuery DataTables API。 |
13 | zizaco/entrust | 2081152 | 5823 | This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 这个包提供了一种灵活的方式,可以将基于角色的权限添加到Laravel。 |
14 | sentry/sentry-laravel | 1955184 | 299 | Laravel integration for Sentry (https://sentry.io) 用于Sentry的Laravel集成(https://sentry.io) |
15 | way/generators | 1633587 | 3153 | Rapidly generate resources, migrations, models, and much more. 快速生成资源、迁移、模型等等。 |
16 | dingo/api | 1618249 | 7474 | A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks. 一个用于Laravel和Lumen框架的RESTful API包。 |
17 | jenssegers/date | 1498781 | 1262 | A date library to help you work with dates in different languages 一个日期库,以帮助您使用不同语言的日期。 |
18 | anahkiasen/underscore-php | 1489428 | 871 | A redacted port of Underscore.js for PHP 一个经过修订的下划线端口。js为PHP |
19 | jenssegers/mongodb | 1355828 | 3336 | A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent) 基于MongoDB的Laravel模型和查询生成器(Moloquent) |
20 | cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable | 1345141 | 2045 | Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel 5. 轻松地为你在Laravel 5的有说服力的模型制作鼻涕虫。 |
21 | barryvdh/laravel-snappy | 1263112 | 983 | Snappy PDF/Image for Laravel 4 Snappy PDF/图片为Laravel 4。 |
22 | davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs | 1261948 | 1404 | A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs. 这是一种简单的拉威尔式的制作面包屑的方法。 |
23 | lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel | 1220573 | 2192 | An OAuth 2.0 bridge for Laravel and Lumen 为Laravel和Lumen的OAuth 2.0桥。 |
24 | laracasts/utilities | 1200106 | 1687 | Transform your PHP to JavaScript 将PHP转换为JavaScript。 |
25 | nunomaduro/collision | 1185445 | 1828 | Cli error handling for console/command-line PHP applications. 用于控制台/命令行PHP应用程序的Cli错误处理。 |
26 | laracasts/generators | 1165722 | 1867 | Extend Laravel 5's generators. 延长Laravel 5的发电机。 |
27 | itsgoingd/clockwork | 1135896 | 1784 | php dev tools integrated to your browser php开发工具集成到您的浏览器。 |
28 | pragmarx/google2fa | 1126712 | 837 | A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator. 一个一次性密码认证包,兼容谷歌认证器。 |
29 | rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer | 1113949 | 1638 | A Laravel log reader Laravel日志的读者 |
30 | roumen/sitemap | 1049782 | 1017 | A not so simple sitemap generator for Laravel. 对于Laravel来说,一个不那么简单的sitemap生成器。 |
31 | propaganistas/laravel-phone | 889034 | 715 | Adds phone number functionality to Laravel and Lumen based on Google's libphonenumber API. 根据谷歌的libphonenumber API将电话号码功能添加到Laravel和Lumen。 |
32 | laravelbook/ardent | 882302 | 1329 | Self-validating smart models for Laravel 5's Eloquent ORM 为Laravel 5的雄辩的ORM验证智能模型。 |
33 | prettus/l5-repository | 851891 | 2483 | Laravel 5 - Repositories to the database layer Laravel 5 -存储库到数据库层。 |
34 | spatie/laravel-permission | 850735 | 3677 | Permission handling for Laravel 5.4 and up 对Laravel 5.4和up的权限处理。 |
35 | venturecraft/revisionable | 839753 | 1568 | Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel 为您的模型保留修订历史,而不需要考虑,创建为一个与Laravel一起使用的包。 |
36 | simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode | 827554 | 745 | Simple QrCode is a QR code generator made for Laravel. 简单的QrCode是为Laravel制作的二维码生成器。 |
37 | spatie/laravel-fractal | 823718 | 1079 | An easy to use Fractal integration for Laravel applications 对于Laravel应用来说,易于使用分形集成。 |
38 | prettus/laravel-validation | 802046 | 228 | Laravel Validation Service Laravel验证服务 |
39 | rcrowe/twigbridge | 792886 | 723 | Adds the power of Twig to Laravel 将小树枝的力量添加到拉勒维尔。 |
40 | mews/purifier | 779495 | 848 | Laravel 5 HtmlPurifier Package Laravel 5 HtmlPurifier包 |
41 | torann/geoip | 688460 | 718 | Support for multiple GeoIP services. 支持多个GeoIP服务。 |
42 | xethron/migrations-generator | 668815 | 2017 | Generates Laravel Migrations from an existing database 从现有数据库生成Laravel迁移。 |
43 | laracasts/testdummy | 657903 | 451 | Easy test stubs 简单测试存根 |
44 | mcamara/laravel-localization | 656474 | 1683 | Easy localization for Laravel 简单的本地化Laravel |
45 | vinkla/hashids | 631832 | 983 | A Hashids bridge for Laravel 拉拉维尔的哈希兹桥。 |
46 | tightenco/collect | 630945 | 710 | Collect - Illuminate Collections as a separate package. 收集-照明收集作为一个单独的包。 |
47 | league/factory-muffin | 612938 | 447 | The goal of this package is to enable the rapid creation of objects for the purpose of testing. 这个包的目标是为了测试的目的能够快速创建对象。 |
48 | orchestra/testbench | 609489 | 758 | Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development 用于包开发的Laravel测试助手。 |
49 | baum/baum | 578954 | 1763 | Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Eloquent models. Baum是一个用于雄辩模型的嵌套模式的实现。 |
50 | dimsav/laravel-translatable | 544953 | 1553 | A Laravel package for multilingual models 用于多语言模型的Laravel包。 |
51 | laracasts/presenter | 538005 | 647 | Simple view presenters 主持人简单视图 |
52 | thujohn/twitter | 531930 | 552 | Twitter API for Laravel Twitter API Laravel |
53 | orangehill/iseed | 530231 | 1030 | Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table. 根据现有数据库表的数据生成一个新的Laravel数据库种子文件。 |
54 | spatie/laravel-medialibrary | 509875 | 2206 | Associate files with Eloquent models 将文件与有说服力的模型联系起来。 |
55 | watson/validating | 462864 | 757 | Eloquent model validating trait. 雄辩的模型验证特征。 |
56 | owen-it/laravel-auditing | 445494 | 915 | Audit changes of your Eloquent models in Laravel/Lumen 在Laravel/Lumen进行有说服力的模型的审核。 |
57 | watson/rememberable | 443524 | 555 | Query caching for Laravel 5 Laravel 5的查询缓存。 |
58 | spatie/laravel-activitylog | 439098 | 1521 | A very simple activity logger to monitor the users of your website or application 一个非常简单的活动日志记录器来监视您的网站或应用程序的用户。 |
59 | sammyk/laravel-facebook-sdk | 433840 | 653 | Fully unit tested Facebook SDK v5 integration for Laravel & Lumen 5.x 完整的单元测试Facebook SDK v5集成的Laravel & Lumen 5.x。 |
60 | milon/barcode | 402877 | 339 | Barcode generator like Qr Code , PDF417,C39, C39+,C39E,C39E+,C93,S25,S25+,I25,I25+,C128,C128A,C128B,C128C,2-Digits UPC-Based Extention,5-Digits UPC-Based Extention,EAN 8,EAN 13,UPC-A,UPC-E,MSI (Variation of Plessey code) 条形码发生器,如二维码、PDF417、C39、C39+、C39E、C39E+、C93、S25、S25+、I25、I25+、C128、C128A、C128B、C128C、两位数upc扩展、5位数upc扩展、EAN 8、EAN 13、UPC-A、UPC-E、MSI (Plessey代码的变体) |
61 | spatie/laravel-newsletter | 390718 | 737 | Manage newsletters in Laravel 管理通讯Laravel |
62 | laravel-doctrine/orm | 386519 | 489 | A Doctrine ORM bridge for Laravel 5 为Laravel 5设计的ORM桥。 |
63 | caouecs/laravel-lang | 353763 | 2798 | Languages for Laravel 语言Laravel |
64 | spatie/laravel-analytics | 350503 | 1401 | A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. 检索谷歌分析数据的Laravel 5包。 |
65 | kalnoy/nestedset | 342600 | 1450 | Nested Set Model for Laravel 4-5 用于Laravel 4-5的嵌套集模型。 |
66 | webpatser/laravel-countries | 340998 | 503 | Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries. Laravel的国家是Laravel的一个捆绑包,提供了几乎ISO 3166_2, 3166_3,货币,资本和更多的国家。 |
67 | toin0u/geocoder-laravel | 340237 | 300 | Geocoder Service Provider for Laravel Laravel的地理编码器服务提供商。 |
68 | lord/laroute | 332521 | 656 | Access Laravels URL/Route helper functions, from JavaScript. 从JavaScript访问laraviews URL/Route helper函数。 |
69 | mews/captcha | 313794 | 1083 | Laravel 5 Captcha Package Laravel 5验证码包 |
70 | mccool/laravel-auto-presenter | 309696 | 620 | A system for auto-decorating models with presenter objects. 一种带有演示对象的自动装饰模型。 |
71 | prologue/alerts | 299203 | 236 | Prologue Alerts is a package that handles global site messages. 序言警告是一个处理全局站点消息的包。 |
72 | nwidart/laravel-modules | 285168 | 1328 | Laravel Module management Laravel模块管理 |
73 | sofa/eloquence | 273719 | 791 | Flexible Searchable, Mappable, Metable, Validation and more extensions for Laravel Eloquent ORM. 灵活的可搜索的,可映射的,Metable,验证和更多的扩展为Laravel雄辩的ORM。 |
74 | khill/lavacharts | 271220 | 435 | PHP wrapper library for the Google Chart API 用于谷歌图表API的PHP包装器库。 |
75 | roumen/feed | 265835 | 341 | A simple feed generator for Laravel. 一个简单的为Laravel提供的饲料生成器。 |
76 | nicolaslopezj/searchable | 256295 | 1293 | Eloquent model search trait. 雄辩的模型搜索特征。 |
77 | rtconner/laravel-tagging | 252044 | 655 | Use PHP traits to extend Laravel Eloquent Models to allow Tags. Models can be marked as Taggable. 使用PHP特性扩展Laravel有说服力的模型以允许标签。模型可以标记为Taggable。 |
78 | mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator | 236638 | 1326 | Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application 从您的Laravel应用程序中生成漂亮的API文档。 |
79 | uxweb/sweet-alert | 218674 | 477 | A simple PHP package to show Sweet Alerts with the Laravel Framework 一个简单的PHP包,可以用Laravel框架来显示温馨提示。 |
80 | santigarcor/laratrust | 217299 | 923 | This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 这个包提供了一种灵活的方式,可以将基于角色的权限添加到Laravel。 |
81 | tcg/voyager | 211729 | 6196 | A Laravel Admin Package for The Control Group to make your life easier and steer your project in the right direction 一个管理团队的Laravel管理包,使您的生活更容易,并引导您的项目在正确的方向。 |
82 | unisharp/laravel-filemanager | 208746 | 662 | A file upload/editor intended for use with Laravel 5 and CKEditor / TinyMCE 一个文件上载/编辑器,用于与Laravel 5和CKEditor / TinyMCE。 |
83 | proengsoft/laravel-jsvalidation | 207784 | 556 | Validate forms transparently with Javascript reusing your Laravel Validation Rules, Messages, and FormRequest 使用Javascript重新使用Laravel验证规则、消息和格式请求,可以透明地验证表单。 |
84 | mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization | 196200 | 235 | Laravel Localization in JavaScript Laravel定位在JavaScript中 |
85 | lavary/laravel-menu | 189495 | 733 | A quick way to create menus in Laravel 5 在Laravel 5中创建菜单的快捷方式。 |
86 | yajra/laravel-oci8 | 187224 | 379 | Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4/5 via OCI8 Oracle DB驱动的Laravel 4/5 via OCI8。 |
87 | spatie/eloquent-sortable | 167615 | 408 | Sortable behaviour for eloquent models 对有说服力的模型的可排序的行为。 |
88 | rinvex/country | 151360 | 1029 | Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, flags, emoji, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips. Rinvex是一个简单而轻量级的包,可以灵活地检索国家细节。一大堆数据,包括名字,假名,资本,iso代码,拨号代码,geo数据,货币,旗帜,表情符号,以及其他所有250个国家的属性。 |
89 | overtrue/laravel-wechat | 146059 | 1583 | 微信 SDK for Laravel 微信Laravel SDK |
90 | spatie/browsershot | 139738 | 1372 | Convert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome 使用无头铬将网页转换成图像或pdf。 |
91 | silber/bouncer | 130982 | 1540 | Eloquent roles and abilities. 雄辩的角色和能力。 |
92 | spatie/laravel-responsecache | 108381 | 693 | Speed up a Laravel application by caching the entire response 通过缓存整个响应来加速一个Laravel应用程序。 |
93 | encore/laravel-admin | 94621 | 3475 | laravel admin laravel管理 |
94 | pragmarx/tracker | 93452 | 1584 | A Laravel Visitor Tracker Laravel访问者跟踪器 |
95 | pragmarx/firewall | 88964 | 848 | A Laravel IP whitelisting and blacklisting 一个Laravel的IP白名单和黑名单。 |
96 | overtrue/laravel-lang | 84576 | 584 | List of 52 languages for Laravel 5 Laravel 5的52种语言列表。 |
97 | pragmarx/countries | 83573 | 980 | PHP Countries and Currencies PHP国家和货币 |
98 | jrean/laravel-user-verification | 82922 | 584 | User Email Verification For Laravel 5.* Laravel 5的用户电子邮件验证。 |
99 | themsaid/laravel-langman | 68990 | 757 | Manage language files with ease. 轻松管理语言文件。 |
100 | lab404/laravel-impersonate | 65738 | 453 | Laravel Impersonate is a plugin that allows to you to authenticate as your users. Laravel模拟是一个插件,允许你作为你的用户认证。 |
101 | october/october | 53888 | 6982 | October CMS 10月CMS |
102 | wnx/laravel-stats | 51196 | 578 | Get insights about your Laravel Project 了解你的Laravel项目。 |
103 | renatomarinho/laravel-page-speed | 46106 | 1118 | Laravel Page Speed Laravel页面速度 |