Mobile app created for private investigation firms or other teams for collaborating and combining data collected while logging surveillance information.
Status: Sunset. Evolving into Stakeout PWA.
Add other MD files for each "section."
- Admin
- Users/Investigators
- Assignments
- Cases
- Observations
- Downloading Case Assets
- Can upload images, audio files, and text info via simple form.
- Collects geolocation data to provide maps of individual observations as well as a map of all observations in a case.
- Uses secure registration and login.
- Admin can create cases. Admin can filter cases list by active/inactive (open/closed).
- Admin can add team members (investigators) and assign them to a case.
- Created as an enterprise-level supplement to RoxorReports, a dynamic Acrobat Javascript PDF.
- Front End
- Users, Registration, etc.
- Back End