Uses Spotify API to get data about artists, their albums, and those albums' songs to store in a MySQL database and track popularity over time as well as comparing popularity to similar data from other artists/albums/songs.
Resurrected. Recreating as Node.js Progressive Web App.
Moved on to using PHP and MySQL with Pop-PHP because I couldn't get the objects to build as completely as I wanted. Same reason I originally created a Javascript version of myRockinApp (Python).
UPDATE March 2020: Will build using React during and after completing two courses on React. One of the courses uses Redux for which I'll also use this Redux resource.
UPDATE October 2018: Pop-PHP increasingly using Javascript so I want to move that stuff over here so there is are examples of both my Javascript and PHP skills.
UPDATE February 2018: Regarding Pop-PHP, its front-end is now largely Javascript as my skills have improved over the last couple years.