- Drop it in ~/
- Rename it to .bash_profile
- Drop it in ~/
In the print_before_the_prompt
function you can change any of the txtXXX
to any other colour defined to any of the following:
- txtblk = Black - Regular
- txtred = Red
- txtgrn = Green
- txtylw = Yellow
- txtblu = Blue
- txtpur = Purple
- txtcyn = Cyan
- txtwht = White
- bldblk = Black - Bold
- bldred = Red
- bldgrn = Green
- bldylw = Yellow
- bldblu = Blue
- bldpur = Purple
- bldcyn = Cyan
- bldwht = White
- unkblk = Black - Underline
- undred = Red
- undgrn = Green
- undylw = Yellow
- undblu = Blue
- undpur = Purple
- undcyn = Cyan
- undwht = White
- bakblk = Black - Background
- bakred = Red
- badgrn = Green
- bakylw = Yellow
- bakblu = Blue
- bakpur = Purple
- bakcyn = Cyan
- bakwht = White
- txtrst = Text Reset