This is a basic Java 8 project that was developed and tested in Eclipse neon.
The domain objects are: Field, Point, and FertileShape.
The control objects are:
- Controller: This is the main class that manages execution.
- IOHelper: This helper class gets user input and prints to stdout.
- Surveyor: This is a worker class that traverses a Field object and builds a list of FertileShapes within the field object as it travels.
There is a unit test package (com.stowellperformance.LandAnalysis.Test) in which tests can be run from Eclipse by right clicking a test class->Run As->JUnit test
Within the top level of the project is a resources folder containing a properties file ( Here you may configure the xMin,xMax,yMin, and yMax for the field as well as whether or not stats should be printed (currently only elapsed time is printed)
The project can the run directly from Eclipse or can be build and executed from the command line as follows:
You can compile the project from the top level directory (LandAnalysis) with: mkdir bin; javac -d bin src/com/stowellperformance/LandAnalysis/Control/.java src/com/stowellperformance/LandAnalysis/Domain/.java src/com/stowellperformance/LandAnalysis/Toolkit/*.java
Next, move into the bin folder, then create the executable jar: jar cvfm LandAnalysis.jar manifest.txt com
Finally run the jar: java -jar LandAnalysis.jar
When the program begins it will ask for input with the following statement:
- Enter barren map (e.g. {“48 192 351 207”, “48 392 351 407”}) Enter your input in a similar format and wait for the output.