"Space Game" (Name TBD) is planned to be a single-player top-down sandbox sci-fi role playing game where you take on the role of a character attempting to survive their way through life in a turbulent, procedurally-generated, galaxy. Players will start with next to nothing and have the opportunity to work their way up to bigger ships, larger crews, and control over planets and space stations. The galaxy will feature an ai driven economy, warring factions, and dynamic storylines.
This game is currently in very, very early development. The plan is to slowly grow the game from basic game loops into the above stated goal piece by piece. Ideally once the initial game engine is completed and the first basic gameplay loop implemented the game will enter it's alpha phase where, as new features are added, the game will remain in a playable state so that players will be able to enjoy "Space Game" during active development.
- W: Apply forward thrust.
- A: Rotate the ship to port (counter-clockwise).
- D: Rotate the ship to starboard (clockwise).
- S: Rotate the ship to a retro heading.
- X: Rotate the ship to a retro heading and apply thrust until the ship comes to a complete stop.
- Space: Fire Weapons.
- M: Open the universe map.
- L: When ship velocity is low enough over a valid planet land at the planet's spaceport.
- Esc: Open the pause menu.
- F4: Show debug view.
- Alt+Enter: Enter Fullscreen
- R: While viewing the universe map with debug (F4) active this will regenerate the universe.