Provides simple controls that allows you to move/rotate/scale a div. Kind of like a simple version of the free transform tool in Flash or Photoshop.
- jQuery - tested with 1.7.2
- Matrix.js - awesome and simple Matrix lib from STRd6
- handle control placement for negative scaling
The $.freetrans()
method is used for all access to the plugin.
When called without any parameters, the plugin will be initiailized for the selector(s)
// initialize mydiv with free trans plugin
// initialize all items with class myclass
You can also initialize a div with options like so:
// initialize and set some properties
x: 100,
y: 150,
angle: 45
After a div has been initialized, you can pass in an object to update any options you'd like. This snippet does the same thing as the preceeding example, it's just showing how you can update parameters after initization:
// init
// update
x: 100,
y: 150,
angle: 45
The options and properties for a selector are stored in the $.data('freetrans')
object. The properties that are used to render the selector are:
:Number (the x position of the selector)y
:Number (the y position of the selector)scalex
:Number (the x scale of the selector)scaley
:Number (the y scale of the selector)angle
:Number (the angle (in degrees) of the rotation)'rot-origin'
:String (the location of rotation point),
The 'rot-origin'
property is a string formatted just like the 'transform-origin'
property in CSS. Like CSS, it defaults to '50% 50%'
, which means 50% of the width and 50% of the height, eg, the center point. The first value in the string describes the x location, the second describes the y location. Passing in a single value will apply the same value to both the x and the y location. If you'd prefer to use pixel offsets and not percentages, just leave the '%' off the values. '150 100'
will make the rotation origin point {x: 150px, y: 100px}.
// rotate around the bottom center
$('mydiv').freetrans({'rot-origin': '50% 100%'});
// rotate around the top left
$('mydiv').freetrans({'rot-origin': '0'});
// rotate around the point 100px to the left and 25% down the selector
$('mydiv').freetrans({'rot-origin': '100 25%'});
You can show and hide the controls by passing 'controls'
to the plugin folloed by a boolean to either show or hide the controls.
// hide the controls
$('mydiv').freetrans('controls', false);
// show the controls
$('mydiv').freetrans('controls', true);
You can retrieve the bounding box of the transformed selector by passing 'getBounds'
. This method is only available for single selectors, not groups. It returns an object with the bounds information. This method is not chainable.
var b = $('mydiv').freetrans('getBounds');
console.log(b.xmin, b.ymax, b.height,;
You can retrieve the current options of the transformed selector by passing
which is useful for persistence. This method is only available for single selectors, not groups. It returns an object with the bounds information. This method is not chainable.
var o = $('mydiv').freetrans('getOptions');
console.log(o.angle, o.maintainAspectRatio, o['rot-origin'], o.scaleLimit, o.scalex, o.scaley, o.x, o.y);
If you want to remove the freetrans functionality from a selector, you can pass 'destroy'
. It will unbind any events, and destroy the $.data('freetrans')
// destroy plugin for mydiv
While scaling, holding down the Shift key will maintain the aspect ratio of the div when the scaling was started.
While rotating, the Shift key causes the rotation to snap to 15 degree increments.
This plugin keeps chainability in tact. Chain away!
$('mydiv').freetrans().css({border: '1px solid blue'});