exi a Flask project ....
*exi is extendable backbone for new Flask projects and a set of useful helpers.
Create a virtualenv like:
Activate this virtualenv. For windows run activate.cmd
```git clone git://github.com/larryeitel/exi.git```
```cd exi```
```pip install -r requirements.pip```
## Run
There is some demo data for you. Create it.
```./manage.py init_data```
Run development server, and go to
```./manage.py runserver```
VERY early dev stage. Not much to see.
## Configuration
### testing.py
Simple basic TestCase for your tests. Note, that `nose` test runner is used (it's really good).
(exi)exi$ nosetests
### settings.py
The notation is `package.module.object` or `package.object` if object is in the `__init__.py`.
Look into the file for examples.
### wingide
If you use WingWare IDE (Highly recommended), here are some useful settings for debugging:
Project/Project Settings
Python Path (Added):
Environment (Add to inherited environment)
Main Debug File:
Initial Directory: