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josephsaffron committed Jul 21, 2024
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Kinkaku/Jinzakaya - the best and most expensive AYCE sushi in town, on par with mid-tier Toronto</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2021-10-30-all-hallows/ rel=bookmark>All Hallows</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">So today was the day before halloween, and one of the things that we did with the kids was a drive through trick-or-treat. You drive your car, and roll down your windows, and the people give you candy. The kids sat in the back with their windows rolled down, held open their bags, and got candy deposited in. Strangely, they also tried to hand candy to my wife. It took us awhile before we realised that they probably thought she was a kid!</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2021-05-12-blog-now-improved-but-also-completely-the-same/ rel=bookmark>Blog now improved! But also completely the same!</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">If you haven&rsquo;t heard, github has released a really cool feature called github actions, letting you do continuous integration right within github. The incredible thing about it is that people have built all these amazing actions that you can use to build your CI system in a plug-and-play way! One of these actions that I&rsquo;ve now integrated into this very blog is a hugo deployment action. It now deploys itself as soon as I make a change, which is fantastical!</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2021-04-22-best-places-weve-found-to-eat-in-kwc-takeout-edition/ rel=bookmark>Best places (we've found) to eat in KWC - Takeout Edition!</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">Since we&rsquo;ve been confined to our house for more than a year, we&rsquo;ve done a pretty extensive tour of several restaurants, takeout style. I decided to list them out and go through some of them in a bit of detail. What else is there to do during a global pandemic?
Comfort Food Malt and Barley One of our earliest local spots, it&rsquo;s remained one of our absolute favourites. Everything we&rsquo;ve tried there has been fantastic, and the portion sizes are great.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2020-01-20-take-your-grade-9s-to-work-and-give-them-a-presentation/ rel=bookmark>Take your Grade 9s to work and give them a presentation</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">For some reason, I decided to volunteer to give a talk about software development to some Grade 9s. It was an interesting experience, to say the least. I had to think of things to keep them engaged, and I really felt when they made a connection. I also really felt when I had lost them completely - they all had phones. =/ For better or worse, my notes are below:</div></article></main><div class=pagination><span class="pagination__item pagination__item--current">1/4</span>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion page/2/index.html
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The official scrum guide says that “the sprint retrospective is an opportunity for the team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next sprint”. If you’re just starting out with running retrospectives though, beginning your retrospectives with this goal can quickly devolve to finger pointing and complaining.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2018-08-02-gen-con-2018/ rel=bookmark>Gen Con 2018</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">It&rsquo;s been five years since we&rsquo;ve had a vacation without children, and I was completely thrilled to have it be Gen Con, in Indianapolis. The last time we went was in 2010, so it&rsquo;s been awhile, and a lot has changed! It would probably be best to start from the beginning of the trip though. We decided to leave on Tuesday afternoon so that we could get a day to relax before the conference, which ended up being a pretty good decision.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2016-02-16-winter-experiences/ rel=bookmark>Winter experiences</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">Part of being a parent is being able to share the things that you find joy in doing, and this past week I got a chance to help my daughter discover the wonders of winter. On Thursday, we went skating with the Grad Cell small group, and she had a blast! She didn&rsquo;t end up skating on her own at all, so we had to take turns holding her up as she walked around the ice.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2013-12-30-unbiased/ rel=bookmark>Unbiased</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">I&rsquo;ve been having an ongoing dispute with my wife about how cute our daughter is. She insists that I am asking biased questions when I try to get opinions on how she compares to other babies. Well, this past week, I went to make a reservation at a local Chinese restaurant that we frequent, and this is the conversation that ensued:
Me: Hi, I&rsquo;d like to make a reservation for six adults and one baby.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2013-10-17-grammar-wars/ rel=bookmark>Grammar wars</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">I was forced to take a mandatory course yesterday as part of my employment duties. I got about halfway through the course before I nearly broke down in frustration at the lack of basic grammar and editing in the questions and content. I was chatting with a co-worker while I was doing the course, and expressed my anger to her. She told me to “turn your internal grammar/spelling/logic sensor off”. Since there was no off switch for my sensor, I resorted to documenting the atrocities against the English language that I was witnessing as a way of dealing with the fact that I had to read these unedited words.</div></article></main><div class=pagination><a class="pagination__item pagination__item--prev btn" href=/>«</a>
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05:00 - She starts feeling contractions, and she thinks they&rsquo;re Braxton Hicks contractions. They come every 4-5 minutes, and last for a short while. She takes some gravol and tylenol, and goes back to sleep.
08:45 - My alarm goes off for church - I&rsquo;m supposed to lead worship. Wifey says she can&rsquo;t make church, so I decide to stay at home with her (Sorry Chris!). We let Pastor Tim know that we can&rsquo;t make it.</div></article><article class="list__item post"><header class=list__header><h2 class="list__title post__title"><a href=/blog/2013-04-19-stolen-food-and-other-things/ rel=bookmark>Stolen food; and other things</a></h2></header><div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix">This is getting ridiculous. A few weeks ago, I went on vacation for 4 days to Vancouver, and I came back to a chair that had a broken armrest and covered in dog hair. Then, last week, my cracked green plate disappeared from my desk. Now, today, the last straw! My loving wife made me some delicious lemon squares based on crushed macadamia nut crust, and today I came in to eat it; and it was GONE!</div></article></main><div class=pagination><a class="pagination__item pagination__item--prev btn" href=/page/2/>«</a>
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