My name is Joseph and I am a researcher at UCSF studying applied computational methods for improving behavioral models of social behavior in the Manoli lab. Currently, I am working on unbiased classification of behaviors by reducing high-dimensional feature sets generated by neural networks.
I am currently interested in high performance real-time computing in challenging environments and am currently a student at Cal State Fullerton (Fall 2022). I am also pursuing a masters degree at Indiana State University studying mathematics.
In my free time, I am helping to build a community fridge map application for providing low-income immigrants in NYC access to free food. Check out my resume here.
const joseph = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
techCommunities: {
community: "CommunityFridgeMap",
goal: "A community fridge is a decentralized food resource. There are dozens of fridges hosted by volunteers across the New York City area."
hobbies: "I am building an automated volleyball tracker to help professional teams automate set accuracy"