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STUDENT NAME = Josefine Arntsen
STUDENT ID = 111782
This project is an implementation of a train departure system in Java. The system allows users to see an overview of train departures, add new trains, change track numbers and current time, add delays, and search for trains based on train number and destination.
The project is organized in the following structure:
src: The source code for the project, including the implementation of the TrainDeparture and TrainDepartureRegister classes.
test: The folder containing JUnit test classes to test the functionality of the project classes.
To run the project, follow these steps:
Open the project in a Java IDE like IntelliJ.
Find and run the main class TrainDispatchApp.
Follow the instructions displayed in the terminal/console to interact with the train departure system.
How to run the tests:
Open the project in a Java IDE.
Navigate to the test folder.
Right-click on the JUnit test classes and select "Run" to execute the tests.
Chat GPT is used for errors and javadoc.
No other specific references were used in this project