This repository follows the clean arquitecture structure, where the software components are located into the following directories:
- internal/domain/receipt/: Entities and enterprice business rules.
- internal/interfaceadapters/storage/: In memory storage.
- internal/inputports/http/: exposed endpoints.
- internal/app/: application business.
This repository has a Makefile with the following targets to help us with some repetitive tasks:
- build: build the receipt-processor-challenge inside build directory.
- run: build the receipt-processor-challenge and ejecute it.
- test: execute all tests inside the project.
- test-report: shows the coverage for all executed tests.
- lint: check the code using golangci-lint.
- clean: delete the binary generated file.
- docker: build the image for the project.
There are different ways to run the project, following the description for all of them:
1.- Building it manually:
go to root directory and ejecute the following commands:
go build -o build/receipt-processor-challenge cmd/receipt-processor-challenge/main.go;
2.- Use the make command to build:.
make build;
3.- Use the make command to run:
make run;
4.- Using docker:
make docker;
docker run -p 8080:8080 receipt-processor-challenge:1.0;
Note: the project opens the 8080 port in localhost.